Hi Maryam,
First, I am incredibly grateful for all the energy you've put into building this community and especially into your classes. They are a joy to watch. If they weren't, I would NEVER spend 2 hrs watching them (ha). I swear, I see 2:17 on the video and I'm like "oh, this is going to be juicy! I've finally made it to a live class and community meetings in the last few months (a gift of The Rona), and I experience a wonderful, tangible feeling of connectedness and acceptance and support. So thank you!!
Now to your question:
I have not remotely made it through your current course catalog, but I'm really interested in the upcoming classes on "wokeness" and exploring societal power from an energetic perspective.
One class I'd go straight to if it were there is one on sexuality. Fantasies, shame, working with that chakra, transmutation, etc., etc., etc.
So far as parenting goes, my ideal would be to participate in a practice/support group vs. a "class" -- it is my guess that in this group there are many parents who have found practices that support them in really positive ways (from various attachment philosophies to collaborative problem-solving to nonviolent communication, etc) and it would be great to share and discuss those from a perspective of energetic sovereignty, support, and boundaries. Then when we've got something we're struggling with, we'd have a support group where we could BEGIN with the energy dynamics and *then* move to the practical approaches that might be most helpful.
Sat nam,