Sufism Books (previous books club vid)

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Sufism Books (previous books club vid)

Greetings everyone!

During today's Community Meeting chat, someone mentioned a book previously suggested by Maryam Hasnaa regarding Sufism. I didn't catch the name of it - or if it was more than one book suggested.

I'm currently reviewing past book club videos, but if anyone knows which book(s) were mentioned off the top of their head, I'd greatly appreciate it.

(If I'm able to come across the title of the book beforehand, i'll be sure to add a comment to this post).

Thankful in advance.

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Re: Sufism Books (previous books club vid)

The Mysticism of Sound and Music by Hazrat Inayat Khan
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Re: Sufism Books (previous books club vid)

In reply to this post by angel
Besides the book daphne just mentioned above, I know Maryam has also talked about The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish in the past! I think it was in her Spirit Communication class?