Spiritual FOMO, spiritual addiction

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Spiritual FOMO, spiritual addiction

Hello everyone,

Recently I’ve been experiencing what I’d like to call spiritual FOMO/addiction. I just became aware that I turned spirituality and self care into an addiction. For example, I deleted social media years ago because I feel like it doesn’t serve me and I find ways of still going on there and searching through “spiritual” peoples pages for the next best thing. I feel like sometimes I’m missing something. I don’t identify with the whole “new age, I’m a witch” aspect of spirituality but at times I feel if I do this ritual (that doesn’t resonate with me) i’ll be deeper in the spirit world.

So yesterday I told myself THIS IS DONE, from now on i’ll Listen to my inner being and do what resonates.

Has anyone ever experienced this and how did you come out of it?
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Re: Spiritual FOMO, spiritual addiction

Yes! This happened to me in August. It appears for me as when I'm living more in my head, learning, contemplating, absorbing, healing vs creating--taking action out in the world. Also, at least for me, shows up as self help/spirituality book binging, so I just stopped reading and made myself read a fiction book instead. I felt called to make one last shrine/altar with my intentions and told the universe to go take care of itself, this is too much and I'm going to live in the "real world" (lol)

All my intentions manifested! Lol. It was crazy how much the universe supported me in this! And now in November I'm swinging back into a healing phase as I deal with shadow stuff.

Also, it's so interesting to think about why we get addicted to anything. Like, I'm currently SERIOUSLY addicted to Chai Lattes--but I'm triggered into it usually when I need a hug and no one is there to give it to me.

I think I get triggered into spiritual addicition when I'm not in my home frequency/grounded/in my body or am feeling fear or not trusting myself? But on writing this, I need to pay more attention and see what that is for me...
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Re: Spiritual FOMO, spiritual addiction

Ahhh I’m so glad you can relate!

I book binge as well and wasted money on countless books about the same thing, I’m not going to buy any new books or tools for a while. I think your manifestations manifested because you just let it be.

It’s so funny that you mention chai tea lattes because I drink it also for comfort. I too sometimes don’t trust myself and there’s fear lingering
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Re: Spiritual FOMO, spiritual addiction

In reply to this post by Tiffany
Have you ever dealt with any other addictions? If so, how did you handle them? I think all cures should be a mirror type reflection of the problem. Sometimes you have to go cold turkey, at times baby steps...but start with just asking yourself everyday. That’s where the answer should come from and read a book. Sometimes we get so caught up in books about spirituality and methods, just read a nice little novel or biography of someone you admire...then ask yourself again. ♥️ Best wishes