Song downloaded from Higher Self

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Song downloaded from Higher Self

Hey Y'all, I felt called to share this song my HS gave me from a past life it has been very calming for me when I'm stressed. I did not do any editing to it so I sharing it has is.
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Re: Song downloaded from Higher Self

This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
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Re: Song downloaded from Higher Self

Lisa Stewart
In reply to this post by Emryss
just beautiful <3 like fresh rain washing the soul.

I'm curious are you singing in a known language or improvised sounds?

I ask because I'm practicing a lot a process of improvised singing from the heart, just for coming home to myself.  And I frequently find myself coming back to very similar sounds of 'Ma' 'Ye' 'yuma' 'Yi-ma', and like you wrote I feel like it's something I know from another life.

Anyway, hearing you feels so familiar and I get this same feeling of deep heart comfort mixed with a long lost knowing of somewhere that I can't place.

Thank you for sharing <3 <3