I mentioned starting a thread to support those of us interested in taking the SM break this month. I have done this once before, last February for just a week while on vacation, and I could definitely tell the difference. I've been feeling the 'nudge' to do so again for longer and once Has mentioned it, I knew it was the direction for me.
However, I know I need support! I use SM to comment on the news, to interact with some colleagues in my field, and to provide advocacy around health-related work I do. None of this is essential to my day to day work, but I can easily go on for some purely work-support stuff and then get sucked into the void.
It feels like a good time to face the fear of being disconnected and I welcome anyone else who wants to join in. My goal is going to be Jan 1st. So I'm holding myself to posting a 'SM break' message on my accounts by tomorrow.
You don't realize how much time SM takes up until you take a break from it. Earlier this year I took a break from Twitter for about six weeks. I didn't miss it at all, but one day I decided to check in, and I was pulled back in. It really can be an addiction.
I usually take a break when reading so many people's thoughts becomes too much. Sometimes it causes too much noise in my head and I can't hear my own voice. It can't be healthy to be in so many people's heads daily.
I find listening to podcasts and watching docs on Netflix during the times I would normally be on social media (usually while at work) helps me ease out of the SM reins.
I do feel that everyone will benefit from a social media break. I took a break sometime two years ago and I never went back. When I attempted to go back on something told me “you don’t need this”. I felt like my mind became full of everyone’s opinions/thoughts/ideas etc; I wasn’t able to connect to my higher self and hear my own voice
I've been thinking about taking a break a lot - but I do pr (which includes running several social media accounts). So a break would have to look a little different for me
Well I posted messages on my accounts yesterday so it's on.
Also my phone completely lost its mind today - was randomly turning off and re-setting, so I feel like that's the universe telling me "yes - log off, take a break"!
I’m so on board with taking the SM break. I been inspired by Maryam SM breaks. This will be my first time actually doing it and it’s only been a few days and I feel such a difference.
Hi Kemi - I'm on a SM break as well until January 1st, depending on how I feel, maybe even longer :) We're going to make the most of the experience I'm sure *hi five*
Tamara - I've never looked at SM as consuming others thoughts, which makes sense, I've been using SM to explore creativity and gather soul food from guides like Maryam and others, but now I understand why SM, especially twitter feels so draining! Ha.
Much love to all NEMS, I truly appreciate being a part of this soulful community.
^Same, I haven't been on social media for about a year and a half now bc of that, without it it's been easier to quiet the noise in the head. At times I don't see it becoming a part of my life again, bc of how beautiful it's been without it, yet I also feel like I may utilize sm to some degree for some purpose at some point. If/when that occurs, it'll definitely be w balance and catered to help and inspire though
How's everyone doing with their social media breaks? Being off of twitter for almost two weeks now, I'm realizing how many of my opinions have been shaped by the collective. I think this Mercury Retrograde is helping me see what I truly want and believe.
I'm realizing how caught up I could get in the endless news cycle, even while saying i wasn't getting caught up in it :)
I realized I was using SM input as a substitute for inner input - so i'm happy on my break so far. Also noticed that when I get emotionally triggered I was going to SM for distraction...and missing opportunities to do the kinds of practices we are learning.
so all in all good, and i'm really proud of myself for lasting this long! Definitely going through the end of the year.