I don't have good recommendations for a place online -- I just bought a gong on a place from my yoga trainer's rec (kundalini -lots of sound therapy!), but I don't think the site carries bowls, though they do have bells, tuning forks, drums, etc. (it's gongs-unlimited.com). What I liked about this website was being able to hear the gongs being played since I'm not there to play them in person, so I'd look for a site that offers that.
As far as the difference (besides price - the crystal bowls are $$$$), in my experience, the metal bowls have more of a range of sounds/vibrations, whereas the crystal bowls are finely tuned to a specific note/frequency, so they are more clear. I personally prefer metal, which is why I spent my splurge on a gong vs. a crystal bowl ....but I'm sure one day I'll have my own range of both. LOL. Sound therapy is uh-mazing.