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Sharing the NEMS

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Sharing the NEMS

heather moss
Good afternoon, beloveds,

There are a few folks in my life who I think could benefit from and would be receptive to the NEMS, but I've paused in terms of encouraging these particular folks to join.  I hold dear that these teachings should be supported, including financially and want to encourage that, but intuitively pause and grapple with the benefit of folks coming to the school on their own path and often end up sharing Maryam's public posts instead.  I just wanted to see how others approach this and want to make sure that it's not the ego rearing it's head because I do have some complicated feelings about these individuals-- one being their tendency toward spiritual bypassing in times of difficulty.

Thank you.  Love and light! Heather
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Re: Sharing the NEMS

I sometimes talk about class - but as a natural part of conversation. And as you do, I share posts, quotes on social. If people want to learn more, the links and @ are there or they can ask me.  
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Re: Sharing the NEMS

In reply to this post by heather moss
Heather! I completely understand where you are coming from, and also read a bit between the lines.

I've encouraged some of my reiki clients to join the school, and some have and some aren't. Ultimately I think all we can do is share NEMS and allow what needs to happen, happen. I do think I sometimes want to be selfish, but then I think about being self-less and putting more coins in Has' pocket as an offering of my thanks, and I end up encouraging everyone to join. There are PLENTY of people who are not ready for this though, and that's also OK!
hope this helps! x