Physical changes/ascension resources

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Physical changes/ascension resources


I know Maryam has talked about the physical changes (taste, foods, headaches) that may occur during ascension.

The thing is...I can't recall where I heard her talk about it! Does anyone recall which lesson or resource contains info about it?

Best wishes,
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Re: Physical changes/ascension resources

Meredith Dylan
It could be from her first class on Timeline Jumping? Or Raising your Vibration. I'm not sure!
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Re: Physical changes/ascension resources

In reply to this post by L
It sounds like the stages she mentioned in the energy body 1.0 class 


On Aug 30, 2018, at 11:45 AM, L [via New Earth Mystery School] <[hidden email]> wrote:


I know Maryam has talked about the physical changes (taste, foods, headaches) that may occur during ascension.

The thing is...I can't recall where I heard her talk about it! Does anyone recall which lesson or resource contains info about it?

Best wishes,

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