I've seen a few posts of people wanting to meet up in the Los Angeles area, I'm bumping this topic up again to see if we could start virtually and then meet in person when safer-at-home lifts
Wonderful. I felt that it could be nice to gather on the next New Moon (which also happens to be the Summer Solstice and an annular solar eclipse. I invite anyone else to suggest days or times that feel good to them as well.
Happy to help get it up and running, just want to be clear that this group will be community run :) and I am just taking the initial steps to get us organized in a place where we can discuss matters specific to living in LA and forming a community here.
Hello everyone, We are about 2 weeks away from the New Moon and Solstice. If you'd like to meet over Zoom on that day please add your email here if you haven't already 🙏🏽