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Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

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Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

15 posts
This post was updated on Mar 12, 2018; 5:12pm.
Hiii my loves.

I know many of us have grown to connect through the live chat during our class sessions and I'm definitely grateful for the little community that we are growing. I want to thank Esi for sparking this thread with a question that she asked in the chat earlier about everyone's location. It definitely confirmed that this is long overdue. My intentions for this post is for all of us to get to know each other a little better, maybe share some of our services/what we do in order to be a resource for one another, to stay connected in between classes and possibly in person/social media.

I'll kick it off. My name is Brittany or Bee :) I recently turned 23 on the 30th of November (fireee baby lol). I'm currently based in the metro-atlanta area, a newly certified birth/postpartum doula, and in the process of completing my degree in sociology + culture diversity studies. Like the majority of us, I grew up with intuitive gifts and a large curiosity for life outside of the "norm" that eventually were shunned by both family and society. Around 2014 I began exploring what's been brewing inside me for what seems like a lifetime now and I feel like birth work has definitely been a catalyst for the next step in my spiritual journey which I'm extremely happy about. I'm not too active on social media at the moment due to the fact that I'm on the fence about whether to combine it with my business so that's something I'll share with you all a little later. Excited to continue growing with you all and be a resource for one another.

Feel free to share whatever is in your realm of comfort. Much love <3
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

Felisha Nicole
10 posts
Hello Soulfuls,

Hey thank you again Brittany - Happy belated earth day - (and Esi as a spark) leading this forum, I'm naturally private and apprehensive about sharing my presence on-line, so it is nice to follow your leads and I trust this this as a nurturing and growing safe space to unfold with like souls.

Anywhoo, I am Felisha from Phoenix, AZ, online I am @skepticsacropolis and I recently followed the biggest intuitive nudge of my life to leave working within law enforcement for the city after 23 years (I started at 17), one of the best decisions of 2017.  Right now I'm choosing to use my time to release all I've been taught I thought I was and surrendering to the flow of my life and gifts. Being highly-sensitive, I've experienced phenomena that I've grown used to keeping to myself out of fear of judgement and/or just having no one to relate with. Now I'm elated to connect, learn, and share here.  This mystery school was literally right on time for my evolution and I am eternally grateful.

Other than that, at times I feel socially awkward, so I'm also using the class/space to just get out of my own way and "be seen and heard" as I've been guided to do, and let myself receive love and share all this love I have in my heart for the many faces and spaces of Source.

Continued grace and Love *bow*
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

3 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello everyone!

I’m Tiffany, age 31, currently located in Brooklyn. I randomly found Hasnaa when I was browsing Twitter. I’m currently studying Buddhism - now reading “What the Buddha Taught”. I’m a highly sensitive, clairsentient introvert. I enjoy going to quiet, serene places; nature, cafes, bookstores etc.

I’m beyond grateful for this spiritual community!

I truly believe that spirituality is a lifestyle.
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

4 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello everyone :)

My name is Tamara and I'm from Houston, TX. I'm in my 30s and recently went back to school to study psychology. I felt a calling to explore my spiritual side a couple of years ago. I started with astrology and it blossomed from there. I began the year by learning Reiki, tarot, and then felt a calling from the Archangels. I've been learning about and experiencing them for the last few months. I've also been studying the history and start of Christianity. I've read ancient texts and apocryphal writings. I grew up Christian, but it stopped resonating with me when I became an adult. I realize now I don't know much at all about the origins of the religion. The deeper I dive into it, the more I realize it's so much more than the church taught me (especially with studying gnosticism and the essenes). My study also lead me to learn more about Christ Consciousness.

I had a numerology reading this year, and was told my soul is most content when I'm teaching, healing, and expressing myself creativity. That resonated with me and was in sync with the directions I've always  been pulled in. I'm so grateful Maryam created this community with so many other people seeking and experiencing these spiritual truths. Makes the journey feel not quite as lonely. :)

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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

7 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hey ya'll,
I'm Kemi, in my mid-30s, and I work as a physician in women's health. I think this journey started a long time ago, around 2010 when I read A New Earth, and it's been a winding road to Hasnaa since then. I found her through an episode of the Friend Zone when HeyFranHey recommended Hasnaa's idea of 'future journaling.' That immediately caught me and I started following Hasnaa on twitter and all of the socials. Along way I have been reading more and more metaphysical books, briefly was part of a church that taught a lot about oneness and 'quantum christianity', moved on past that and am really happy to find a place to keep learning about what we are all doing here on Earth. :)

In a way that I thought was unrelated I also made some major diet changes and shifted a lot of my activities over the past few years. This has opened up a lot of new sensations and body awareness I never had before. I feel like a baby in the intuitive world here, and every single class is so rich with information to me. Really happy to be here!

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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

Neha Jha
8 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Helloooo beautiful ones!

I'm Neha! I live in Houston, TX at the moment. I'm in my early 20's, and I'm a budding Intuitive Healer + Astrologer, Journalist and Performer. I studied Economics + Psychology in college, and Public Health is one of my greatest passions.

I had my spiritual awakening begin a few years ago after a rough couple of years and a life threatening experience. It's been a gradual + growing journey since 2015.  

I'm so excited to be here and connect with other like minded humans on this journey!

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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

2 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany

Hi! I'm 28yr old Chicago native; and still currently living here in the cold, windy city ;)

I began following Maryam a few years ago on twitter and now on IG.
I always looked forward to her posts and found that her expression of spirituality really resonated with me.

I like to think my spiritual journey kicked off with one of my first major decisions when i was around  11 years old. I decided to stop having my mom relax my hair. I was the 1st and only girl that i knew of at that time to "go natural". So at that age i feel i began to listen to my inner self, my HigherSelf. I continued this when i decided to listen to my body once more and became a vegan in my early 20s. And I'm still continuing to listen to what my spirit values and incorporating it into my everyday lifestyle.

Like some of you mentioned I was raised Christian too and found that it had its limitations on what I knew I could explore within myself. I wanted freedom to explore ME. So i got into astrology as well (still am heavily). Then tarot, numerology, runez. I'm on a roll right now!

Last month I decided to start independently studying Transpersonal Psychology.
So here I am.

Looking forward to this SoulJourney and am so grateful for this
 and that this is a place we can all share our stories!

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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

4 posts
This post was updated on Dec 19, 2017; 4:13pm.
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hi Everyone :)

Thank you Brittany and Esi for this thread! Here are my Cliff notes:

NAME: Irene

AGE: 29 yrs old

SIGN: Taurus (barely, but strongly identify lol) ;)

LOCATION: Western NY area

PROFESSION: admin. assistant

-A lifetime of interest in this area and many subtle and a few life/death experiences but in general...
-Very vivid dreams that I remember clearly and half awake dream-like experiences since childhood
-I was guided very strongly to uproot and move suddenly after a seemingly normal phone call during my (busy) senior year of college and it turned out to be one of the most significant and positive changes in my life. This is when I began to understand and trust my intuition.

- Met Has and Fran and Yeradmi at the Supernatural Wellness retreat (which I found through Fran's podcast) in LA last year in November.
-Immediately followed Has on social media (best decision ever!).
-Since the retreat I felt a huge burden of negativity and fear lift off me and I have moved by Maryam's writing, both on Medium and twitter and all of her meditations (life changing!! Cant wait for the book...!).

-I look forward to continuing to connect with a like minded community!
- Support in raising my vibration enough to:
....change careers to the creative fields (mostly writing)
....upgrade my relationships (romantic, family, friendships)
....feel more stable for the future (looking forward to the abundance series!!)
- Identify my specific intuitive gifts, and use them practically
- Integrate my spiritual life with the rest of my life, right now I have a fear of being seen in this way

SOCIAL MEDIA: @ink_joy on twitter: mostly activism/intersectional feminism/jokes

OTHER: my middle name is a literal translation of the word joy and I live to laugh and bring joy to others and find the playfulness in life :)
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

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In reply to this post by Brittany
Hi Everyone :)

My name is Jalissa. 28 years old and I live in the Bay Area. I met Maryam at the Supernatural Wellness Tour in March here in Oakland. I have always been interested in mysticism. My grandma passed away this March and I’ve had a hard time dealing with it. I decided that it was finally time to start looking inward to heal myself spiritually and physically. I made a pact with myself on my birthday 6/15 to break down systems that were built for me and to ultimately evolve into my higher self. I am so grateful for this community.
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

4 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello beloveds!
I love this post.

I’m Maryam or Hasnaa, or both.
People who know me well call me Has.
I’m 40 in Earth years but my energetic age is 30.
I was born and raised Muslim and both of my parents were leaders in the community as well as teachers.My mother’s work is focused on Feminism, Divinity and sacred scripture.

I realized like so many that the way religion was being taught is full of dogma, judgment and fear. But instead of doing what most people I do and completely discarding everything deemed religious, I decided to use my upbringing to find the bridge between religion, spirituality, mysticism, magic and metaphysics.

I found my Spiritual community a few years ago and was initiated into a Sufi devotional path in 2015. Shortly after I was initiated into Priestesshood within a Kabbalist tradition. The two go hand and hand for me. My community is a multi-faith group that celebrates diversity, intersectionality, and devotion. I love creating safe spaces for people who want to worship in a way that goes beyond strict labels, judgments, isolation and instead cultivates deeper understanding and Oneness.

I like to be a role model for being a devotee who is really approachable, open and very “down to earth without losing my connection to the cosmos.

I am a big dreamer.
And I feel that there are many roads that all lead to the same truth. I love supporting people in finding the way that empowers and uplifts them. And is Fun!

That’s why I’m here.
And I live in the bay!
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

5 posts
This post was updated on Dec 22, 2017; 12:24am.
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello everyone.

My name is Elsie and I live in the UK.

I remember from a young age knowing that my thoughts were being broadcast, and that words were spells, to the point that the main memory that my friends have of me growing up was that I would say things three times, once in my head, once again out loud, and then would whisper it behind my hand to make sure it made sense! Growing up I experienced hearing lots of sounds, tones, and frequencies, particularly between the ages of 7-9, and explained it to myself as hearing the North Pole, or the electromagnetic frequency of the planet.  Pretty far out thoughts for a 7yr old! I also anthropomorphised most things, as a way of making sense of the feeling that everything has an energy frequency or sentience. I have always had a sense that I am from somewhere else and have kind of been left here (ha!thanks star family...) .

These things combined , without really having the language to explain them, left me with this vast introspective world, that has been incredibly lonely.  It's only really in later life (I'm now 30) that I have made sense of these experiences, and feel so glad to have an environment in which I know I'm not alone!

In my daily life I work with people with mental health issues helping them navigate their recovery, but am feeling a call to the land , and am looking into a biodynamic farming apprenticeship. I would like to use the things that we are learning to help me make that transition with grace, ease, and flow. I would also so love to call in a community in which I can connect with physically.

I really do feel like I am in X Men school, and know, so firmly, that this knowledge is the future, and that we are pioneers at the cutting edge making that transition from 3D! SO excited to be on this journey with you all!!
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

5 posts
Hey Elsie, im from the UK too- england :} Im 21 and live in Northumberland. I love art and nature.
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

5 posts
Hey Jenny! I hear Northumberland is beautiful, and that they have a type of bagpipe which is unique to the region? Random folk music fact I heard on the local radio station, and I'm now intrigued to know what they sound like!  I am in Bristol, so very close to Glastonbury, Stonehenge,Avebury. If you ever find yourself south and fancy a walk around sacred sites let me know! xx
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

3 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello everyone!

I'm Dora, I am turning 25 in 4 days and currently live in Vancouver, BC Canada. I began my spiritual journey/self-discovery,mastery at the beginning of this year after years of internal chaos and conflict. I found Maryam on Twitter and ever since then her words have been my guide as I continue to do this self-work.

I have a background in Psychology, and I am currently in my 3rd of Psychiatric Nursing. I am also enrolled in two practitioner courses online for Mindfulness and Neurolinguistic programming. I lead a woman's community in Vancouver, called Bliss Your Heart, which is focused on women's empowerment, self-love and self-care.

I truly believe it's my calling/purpose to connect with others through conversation and create and hold space for women to share their stories. I am extremely grateful to be apart of this community, as I've lost alot of "friends" in this spiritual journey, but all for the better. If anyone is on IG, my username is dora_kamau. Lets be friends! xox love and light.
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

3 posts
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hi Everyone! This post was a great idea :)

My name is Marissa, most of my friends call me Mars. My birthday is July 24 and I'm 29 yrs old. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and I currently live here in the Mid-City area.

I've been on my spiritual path for about 4-5 years now, and it's been a very gradual process. Following Maryam on Instagram a few years ago was a huge gateway for me to dive deeper into my spiritual practice. The opportunity of this New Earth School came at the perfect time, both because of my eagerness to learn and also my need of a spiritual community.

I'm excited to continue sharing this journey with you all!
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

Lanece Renee
1 post
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello beautiful souls,

I apologize for my tardiness, but is my honor to be in a space with you guys. Thank you all!

My name is Lanece, I currently live in the 'quaint' town of Bastrop, LA. I have moved all over Louisiana however and New Orleans is my second home Esi :) I love that city and I can rave for hours about the long days spent in City Park whispering to the oak trees. I am 25 years old a lovely Leo with a Scorpio rising and moon, so that lovely intense Phoenix energy is my most comfortable home. (By the way Happy Belated Solar Return Sag sweetheart Brittany). I have many gifts that have sparked my entire life, however due to being the 'weird' one in my family and friends I often suppressed them which I am certain is like most of us here. After having a NDE in 2014, my door was kicked in to say the least and the veils were removed. I was able to observe each dimension which lead me almost to psychosis; however this 'new' world was a necessary to be explored by me and thus began my journey into self. The tools that I learned made my spirit jump with excitement and no matter how much I received I was thirsty for more.
I currently am in transition to Fort Lauderdale, FL so if any of you are living in or around the area I would love to meet up if possible. It would be beautiful to share the energy in person as well. I am beginning to work in the music industry and creating full time. I have the service of love to offer anyone if interested lol and am a great listener. As I develop my skills, I am certain I will begin to offer them in a more professional realm. I would love to connect with you all and I will include my social media below as well as my email just in case, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you feel connected.

I am sending you all love,
in all ways, always -

Thank you all again <3

Twitter: @heavenuponhell
Email: LaneceRS@gmail.com
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

Safia Dalila
15 posts
This post was updated on Dec 28, 2017; 12:40am.
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hey Lovelies :)

I’ve been wanting to join in more with the conversations of this forum so I can really get that fellowship feel. My whole life, I’ve felt like spirituality was a very personal and closed off experience so NEMS has been interesting so far.

My name is Safia Dalila. I’m 26 living in Northern California. I was raised practicing Ifa and became Christian when I was 14/15 due to outside pressure from loved ones and peers. I truly thought that was the best move for me, so I gave my all to that religion. I soon found that I was just trading one group’s disapproval/ approval for another. That lasted until I was about 21 when I accepted it wasn’t a fit for me.

I was determined not to just fall back into what people thought I should be spiritually, but I wasn’t sure which way to go. So at that point I just approached spiritual knowledge from an intellectual point while ignoring the actual integration of it all. During this time in my life I’m still learning to integrate my gifts and knowings because I’ve always felt there was something “odd” or unsafe about fully expressing myself in a realm I very much know to be real. BUT I’m excited for everything to all come together.

This is why I love Maryam’s saying of “It’s safe to be who I am.”

I look forward to getting to know everyone better! Feel free to email me at styhimba@gmail.com.

Much love❤️
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

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In reply to this post by Brittany
Hello everyone!

My name is Mara and I’m from Chicago, IL. I’m 27 years old Birthday is 4/17. I strong identify with my Aries sun/Capricorn Moon also. :)  I am completely new to this platform, but I’m so grateful to be a part of a spiritual community. I have been following Maryam’s work for about a year now via Twitter and so many of her inspirational posts guided me and spoke to exactly what I needed to receive on my journey. ❤️

A little bit about me, I grew up in mostly Christian faith but was exposed to various “aspects” of Christianity that caused a lot of confusion in my understanding of God and religion. I went to catholic school from Pre-k to 12th grade, attended baptist church on my mom’s side of the family and Jehovah Witness meetings on my dad’s side. Ultimately, the idea of any religion being the “right one” never felt right to me.

In 2016, I began to search deeper for answers and truly understand the soul living inside this body & at this time, experienced my initial spiritual awakening. I began to isolate myself, not knowing what to do with some of the “information downloads” (not sure what it’s formally called) and it wasn’t until this year that I was able to recognize and channel my spiritual gifts.

I have a BA in Social Justice Studies and MA in Political Justice. My desire is to truly learn, grow and evolve in trusting and knowing my intuition to join the community of creatives helping to raise the vibration of our planet.
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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

Danielle Nicole
10 posts
Hello Everyone!

I’m Danielle and from RI. I am 33 years, birthdate on August 10th. Ever since my mom passed away 5 years ago, I have never felt more lost and have recently become committed to getting in touch with myself spiritually. I didn’t grow up under a particular religion, so that has been one of my goals - is to learn more about spirituality and religion, how they interact.

I look forward to “meeting” everyone as we grow together!

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Re: Introduce Yourself! ... if you want to :)

37 posts
In reply to this post by Tiffany
hi! i'm reading through everyone's intro's before writing mine and in response to yours i wanted to ask, if you were comfortable, your thoughts on "what the buddha taught" so far. that is the book that really spear-headed my journey into spirituality and learning to re-think the nature of consciousness. my email is aneesahyasmeen@gmail.com :)
warmth and peace to you