Info on this months resonance kit?

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Info on this months resonance kit?

Hi there, just wondering if anyone has found any info on the resonance kit that we just recently received?
Thanks :)
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Re: Info on this months resonance kit?

 I noticed there is a title for October in the resonance section of the portal, however no video. I sent an email in and have not heard back yet. Maybe there is something wrong with the upload. Send an email as well!
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Re: Info on this months resonance kit?

In reply to this post by Jack

Maryam usually posts the videos for the specific months at the end of the month as many of us do not receive the kits til later in the month (they ship multiple times per month based on when people subscribed). Always a great opportunity to intuit how you want to use the oils/sprays/teas, etc, whatever's in the kit.

Hope this helps,