Hello All,
Last night in the New Codependency, Maryam talked a lot about calling back your energy. I was wondering if how to do this was discussed in any of the previous modules. Thank you! |
Hi :) I'm sure it's discussed in numerous classes but "Waking Up From Being Woke 2.0" has a great declaration process at the end of the class. Around 2:48 Maryam reads an extensive declaration that includes calling back her energy.
Like all energy work, processes can often be more simple/accessible to us than we may initially think. As modeled for us in the Energy is Currency course I'm taking now, Ken helps us a visualize a process in which we imagine all of our energy/fragments from across space/time/dimension traveling back to us and entering a symbol we have placed in front of us --- you can imagine a star, diamond, moon, sun, etc. in front of you and visualize all of your energy you're calling back enter that symbol. Then you ask your higher self/guides/source to update and clear this energy. Then you imagine the symbol returning your energy to you -- you can visualize a beam of light coming out of it as it scans up from your feet to the top of your head. Some people will call back their energy by visualizing it going through a violet flame first, to help cleanse and transmute, before it enters into them. Oftentimes, before I call back my energy and I will do a process in which I release any energy within me/my field/aura that doesn't belong to me. Sometimes I imagine it being sent back in a green bubble of forgiveness. You can also send it straight to source. You may also feel the need to do an actual cord cutting (Maryam has a cord cutting/forgiveness meditation on her sound cloud). Once I'm energetically clear and have released energy that isn't mine, then I'll begin the calling back process. Think of a vessel -- if it's too full where is the new stuff going to be able to go? I think it's important to make space before we draw things into us. Hope that helps. As always, like Maryam says, take what resonates and compost the rest. Salaam :) |
In reply to this post by lucia
Hey!! Great question.
When I first started I use the breadcrumbs that I got from different places. A simple practice to start: 1) I wash my hands and I repeat "I wash away any & all energy that does not belong to me" I do this until I feel my body warm up/vibrate differently. The feeling will be different for you based on your nervous system. 2) Still running my hands in the water. I repeat "I call all of my energy back to me clean and clear through out all space, time, and dimension." I wait until I feel a energy of calm 3) I turn off the water, put my hands over my heart or one hand on heart & one on belly & breathe until I feel ready to continue on with my day. Water easily picks up vibrations and intentions. When we speak to water it can helps us cleanse, reset, gather, etc. We only need to set the intention and it will do the rest. So repeating the declaration/intentions above guides the water to support you in the energy work. This practice helped me a lot during the summer and fall when I had to go out everyday to a customer service job in the matrix. Whenever I was feeling overwhelmed with energy I knew was not mine, I went to the bathroom washed my hands, repeated those declarations/intentions, took my breathe, looked in the mirror said I love you and bitch you boo then went on about my day. I did this often and now it is a regular mediation practice for me to shift my energy in between conversations and interactions with ease. I do clear my energy through longer forms of mediation as well but I gradually built myself up to that. So I did not overwhelm my nervous system and ego trying to create too much with my mind before I was ready. Hope this helps you! Peace, Mildred Monique
it me :-)
In reply to this post by sameerah
Thank you so much for sharing your process. You are spot on about clearing space before asking for more!
I will definitely check out Waking Up from Being Woke and the Cord Cutting soundcloud. I also have done some of Ken's meditations, so that process is familiar! I like the concept of transmuting it into a symbol. As a Sailor Moon fan, this is easy to visualize. Thanks again! |
In reply to this post by MildredMonique
Wow, that is such a great place to start for me. I like the concept of easing into a practice, since there was so much to work with from the last module. As a water sun, I definitely relate to the healing/cleansing power of water. Thank you for sharing this process!
In reply to this post by MildredMonique
I love the idea of hand washing in a public place. Thanks for that!!
I posted a thread here about not identifying with the term empath (months ago)....and now, well, I realize I DO pick up all kinds of stuff and have been for years, lol. know thyself, right? -Becky |
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