Free Online Financial Classes (Limited time)

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Free Online Financial Classes (Limited time)

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Hey everyone I just wanted to shout out that bc of the current stuff thats been going on a financial expert is offering out her courses for free. These courses are usually over $200 for an annual membership. Its called Clever Girl Finance. Its a very 3-D type of financial resource fyi but still really helpful, it focuses a lot on financial planning and organization. Im not sure how long shes offering this. If you want to check her out a bit to see more of who she is Ill leave a youtube link to one of her videos. Sending well wishes to everyone.
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Re: Free Online Financial Classes (Limited time)

xenia - @mythsofcreation
Wow! The founder of that company is my girl, and she's a real one. I trust anything she puts out because I know she founded that company by teaching herself personal finance !
Xenia Marie Ross
Human Design Readings + Sacred Heart Sessions
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Re: Free Online Financial Classes (Limited time)

Evelyn K
In reply to this post by Kristina
Neat! Thank you for sharing this resource, Kristina!