Dream Journal

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Dream Journal

Hi beautiful people!

I've been making my way through all the past classes and in one of them Maryam mentioned keeping a dream journal. I've set the intention to remember my dreams each night and have  been successful in doing so the past month. I've recorded all of them in my journal but I'm not sure what they're trying to tell me. Any resources or guidance for understanding my dreams?

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Dream Journal

Hey! Something i found helpful for myself was organising my dreams into a spreadsheet , so i can filter them based on symbols/people/omens, and astrological transit/moon phase. It has been helpful because i notice specific things coming up during specific times, or if a symbol in my dreams mean something. For example, i've realised that elevators come up a lot in my dreams as a way of telling me to slow down or to speed up.

Another thing i found helpful as well comes from the Celestine prophecy, where you think of how the dream made you feel and compare the dream story to your waking life.

I hope this helps! :)  

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Re: Dream Journal

Very helpful and a great idea! Thank you so much!
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Re: Dream Journal

In reply to this post by kanderson
Check out Clarissa Pinkola Estes' book "The beginners guide to dream interpretation" I borrowed the audio book from my local library online (L.A.)

Its super short, like an hour and gives good basics to start with.
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Re: Dream Journal

Thank you! Just finished listening to it. Very very helpful.