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Dream Court

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Dream Court

Hello beauties, I've had a very interesting dream last night and I felt the need to get some perspectives on it. It's a few hours later so the memory is a bit scattered but I do remember some key elements.

It takes place, as most of my dreams do, at a school. Or at least, it starts there. I go in and in this dream I know and go to school with my now husband (we met in college irl), and he is appropriately aged for the dream, maybe 15. We're not together but there's a lot of young sexual chemistry between us. The next thing I remember, I am in some way transmuting a sickness, I'm not sure if it's physical or spiritual, for someone younger than me, a small child, it feels like my son but he's not my son in the dream and he's older than he is now. His baby teeth start to fall out of my mouth, as if they were my real teeth (the entire bottom left side of my jaw except for my wisdom teeth, which I still have irl.) I used to have dreams of my teeth falling out all the time as an adolescent but I haven't in years, and never having someone else's baby teeth fall out of my mouth. I was suddenly struck with the realization that I had literally sacrificed my teeth and this older woman, seemingly my mentor, assured me that they would be back, and within a few minutes, my normal teeth were back in.

After that, things get fuzzy for a while. I remember walking in a parking lot, it's dark and kind of stormy, and someone I came with, a man who is maybe related to me, has moved the vehicle we came in. The parking lot is alive with activity, almost like a drive-in theater with no central spectacle everyone has come for. So I start walking around, and a young guy (we're still high schoolers) basically propositions me for sex kind of crassly but I'm undeterred and just tell him no and keep it moving.

Sometime later, I'm in a totally different social setting, basically an all white 'room' but with no walls or limits I can see. I'm my normal age again, my husband is walking around conversing with other people, and our son is walking around near me. He hears on a disembodied tv "I love you, baby bear" and looks at me and repeats it clearly and very sweetly while smiling. In real life, my son does talk a bit but not too clearly and not very much. Which I have been worried about, even though I know I shouldn't be because he does talk, he uses some sign language, and developmentally he's otherwise perfect and in some cases advanced for his age. He's independent, affectionate, social, curious, intelligent, very active, all around just a great little guy. I'm just a very anxious person and still traumatized from his time in the NICU so I spend way too much time worrying about his health and development even though rationally I know he's perfect.

So, if you've made it this far through this long and disjointed dream, first of all thank you, and second, what would you make of any of this?
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Re: Dream Court

Hiya Kay!

Thanks for sharing your dream! I recently shared a dream and got a lot of feedback from amazing women in this portal, so I feel compelled to pay it forward. While I can't speak to most of it, one thing that struck me was your teeth falling out, or rather your son's teeth falling out of your mouth.

On one episode of Insecure, Issa keeps dreaming her teeth are falling out, and I was curious what that meant on a spiritual level, so I researched it on several sites. Dr Google says: Dreams about teeth falling indicate times of change and feeling of loss. Teeth falling out are symbols of compromise, lack of balance in your life.

"Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth symbolize power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation?" - from http://www.dreammoods.com/

As you mentioned you constantly check on/ worry of your son's health, does this resonate? If not, no worries, :)
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Re: Dream Court

In reply to this post by Kay
Another really great tool to analyze dreams is a process by Martha Beck

She has you write out your dream (which you already did)

And then you become/embody the key stand out elements of the dream, from the setting, like the school, to your young husband, to the man the propositioned you and you ask the following questions

Who are you?
I am ____ (I am the school)

Describe me in three words.
I am____, ____, ____. (Annoying, rigorous, challenging)

What is your purpose in the dream?
My purpose is...

How are you helping the dreamer in this dream?
I helping Kay to _______. (Sometimes I've gotten stuff like "I'm not.")

What do you represent to the dreamer in waking life?
Sometimes this is hard for me to answer until i've embodied every aspect and wrote down every purpose/how they are affecting me

Obviously I don't know how the school felt to you in your dream, only you do! It's SUPER eye opening. I did this for a dream I had about Leonardo Di Caprio (lol), but by the time I finished these questions, I realized it was my guardian angel communicating with me. And I've actually found for whatever reason, my guardian angel likes to appear as blond male figures I know. By the time I get to the three adjectives: Unconditional love, warmth and total love, and it's purpose, I'm like, there you are again!

That Leo dream was one of the most profound dreams I've ever had that ultimately --literally-- saved my life by encouraging me to move cities and was so reassuring, especially because of the How are you trying to help the dreamer question. Angels have a sense of humor lol. I was like Leonardo Di Carpio?? Really?? <3

But I would've never found that out through asking other people.

I think only you can really interpret your dreams.

Like, your husband--was it really your husband, or was he representing something. You'll know when you embody it in your mind and describe the true essence of it to yourself, you'll either feel him and his soul (like, sometimes I dream about my sister, but she represents something, but sometimes it's REALLY my sister) or you'll feel what he represents, and the true purpose, and how it's trying to help the dreamer...

It's pretty cool!
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Re: Dream Court

In reply to this post by Kay
there's actually a free pdf of this on her website, page 14
