symbols_1_copy__1_.pdfsymbols_2_copy.pdfsymbols3_copy.pdfThank you for the offer, Yasmine, and for the screenshots, Marissa! A few days ago I found the PDFs in my archives (when looking for something else, ha!). I noticed the links are still broken so I've sent a note about this to the team through the contact form. I've tried to attach the PDFs to this message.
In case it doesn't work and you'd like the PDF references soon or urgently, email me - I'm rarely on the forum and I'm on a social media hiatus right now, but I'm online for work. So if you email me and let me know you're from NEMS, I'd be happy to send you the PDFs from Pamela's class: bydhiyanah at gmail dot com
Take care and much love <3