Deep Grief

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Deep Grief

Briana M
I unfortunately will not be able to make it to the community meeting today. However, I wanted to ask folks if they had any resources for grief. I recently lost two very important people in my life unexpectedly and suddenly. my father and my little brother, and my heart is shattered. I wake up and feel physical pain in my heart center and I cry sporadically throughout each day. I know the tools we are learning here have been helpful in so many ways... but when it comes to this deep loss and sadness. I just feel so lost.

Any help is helpful. Thank you for reading ♥️
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Re: Deep Grief

Hi Briana

I don't have any resources for you at this point, but what I do want to say to you is that I am so, SO deeply sorry for your losses. I cannot imagine how difficult this period may be for you. I wish I could lift the pain away for you, but as a member of this community, all I want you to simply know is that I am here with you as a fellow human being. You are not alone in this and that I will include both you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Love to you
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Re: Deep Grief

Briana M
Thank you for replying and sending heartfelt words. It means so much to me. It is such a challenging time.
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Re: Deep Grief

It's only a pleasure. I wish I knew what to say or offer to you to relieve it, but I do believe that Grief is something to be held in sacredness and that social support and community can be one of the most healing factors during such periods. And so with that, please feel free to reach out just for that extra support, should you feel the need to. You are really never alone. This, I know for certain

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Re: Deep Grief

In reply to this post by Briana M
Lotoya Charles was recommended to me by another member

Look for the signs, ask them to visit you in your dreams before you fall asleep, and know that they are with you.

I'm processing my own grief too, if ever you need someone to talk to let me know.

Sending you love,
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Re: Deep Grief

Briana M
In reply to this post by Zahraa
So much love to you Zahraa. Each day is different. I appreciate the thought process of thinking about grief as a sacred process, and leaning into community for support & healing. These are helpful perspectives.

Deep gratitude & blessings to you 💛✨.
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Re: Deep Grief

Briana M
In reply to this post by Mary
Thank you Mary 💛,

The alignment. I will be moving back to New York City from Montreal at the end of this month to be with my family. So this NY based therapist is helpful.

Thank you for reminding me that just because my loved ones are not here, does not meant they are not with me. & that I can reach out & call on them for comfort.

Deep gratitude & Many blessings to you. I am hoping you find gentleness and healing with your own grief as well. May our loved ones and their memories bring us more comfort and peace each day.
