Hey all! I'm looking to connect with some NEMS family here in Chicago. Would love to meet outdoors once we get some sunny weather <3 Anyone else in the area looking to connect?
I posted in the chat during tonight's meeting. hopefully people saw :)
come on Chicago weather we can do this. it can be nice and warm and sunny and not too windy, all in the same day, for a sustained amount of hours. *prays*
Hey y'all I'm a little late to this being that I just recently started to check the forum. I'm about an hour north of the city and would also love to get together and meet everyone once the weather permits.
We're all going to check in towards the end of the month to see if the weather is warm enough to meet up. I'm south of the city so I'm thinking closer to the city could be a good meeting spot for everyone?
It feels like warm weather is coming soon so keeping my fingers crossed!
I'm planning to email everyone soon so I can get everyone's availability and coordinate for later this month! Looking forward to warmer weather and connecting <3