Appreciation and Blessings

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Appreciation and Blessings

Sophia Dylan
Thank you Hasnaa for creating this space for learning and sharing. It feels so in alignment. Looking forward to what is to come. Sending love to all in this community, and sending love to our path with this new opportunity.
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Re: Appreciation and Blessings

This makes my heart sing. This is beautiful - thank you for all that you do Hasnaa.  So excited to connect and journey with you all.
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Re: Appreciation and Blessings

In reply to this post by Sophia Dylan
Greetings from the US Virgin Islands,

I was often hesitant to start this journey inward, but after surviving Hurricanes Irma & Maria, I am more than a survivor and ready to expand.

I look forward to everything the New Earth Mystery School has in store for us all!
