A Course in Miracles

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A Course in Miracles

Hello beautiful ones!
I know this is an older topic but I recently picked up a copy of A Course in Miracles. I am looking forward to starting it, it seems like everyone has had an amazing and profound experience with it. I welcome any tips you may have.

If anyone is interested in starting this with me, here is a link for an online copy. Thank you to Shai Nicole for sharing this many posts ago.
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Re: A Course in Miracles

Thank you for sharing this!  I'm revisiting these classes and getting into this material as well.  I also found a lot of free audio book files for the course in miracles on youtube.  
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Re: A Course in Miracles

In reply to this post by dolores
How is the course going for you?
Heavy is the hand that lifts the veils...
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Re: A Course in Miracles

Hi DirectedxKubby, Its been going so well! I find the exercises easy to do and i have noticed i have become more neutral about my thoughts and has helped my discernment