higher self integration w/Maryam and Dr Nicole resources

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higher self integration w/Maryam and Dr Nicole resources

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just wanted to shout out how much The Holistic Psychologist's work on IG in tandem with Maryam's courses has helped me align with my higher self.

Dr Nicole is an earth sign and Maryam is water -- and I really feel how beneficial their work has been together for me.

I've been doing Maryam's classes since April 2018, and April 2019 I started Dr Nicole's (@the.holistic.psycholgist) future self journal and studying her IG posts.

I did the Future Self Journal for 122 days straight, a different topic every 30 days or so. It taught me so much discipline, commitment and overcoming my mind that then bled into other areas of my life, and helped me apply Maryam's principles and what we were talking about in class. I just took a small break, and am starting back up again, this time my 30 days are on the topic of prayer and healing my relationship with prayer. Previously I journaled about sleep (lol my sleeping habits), creating daily rituals, where my focus and attention was going, and on my art.

It blew my mind every month because I'd start the journal not knowing where or how I would create the change I wanted, and I'd feel a lot of anxiety and resistance, but I would faithfully journal about it and somewhere in the second or third week, the universe would bring me the most crazy experiences or teachers or the key to the transformation I wanted to manifest.

The other benefit I got from Dr Nicole was her Ego Work process and disarming the ego when triggered.

It made me SO happy when Maryam featured one of Dr Nicole's posts in her instastories. They've both made such an impactful difference in my life.

Maryam has been such an important voice and example in my life, leading the way for me in the ascension process, HSP, and healing and leaving the hard work paradigm and choosing play and joy and love instead, her work has been so encompassing and powerful for me, to supplement it with Nicole's FSJ and posts has been WOW

I am very very grateful

This has been so transformative

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Re: higher self integration w/Maryam and Dr Nicole resources

Thank you soul much for sharing! I'll check out her ig. So glad to hear about your progress and reflections on present intentions.

In spirit,

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Re: higher self integration w/Maryam and Dr Nicole resources

In reply to this post by moonsun
This is so good. Thank you for sharing! I also have to heal my relationship with prayer
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Re: higher self integration w/Maryam and Dr Nicole resources

just an update, I revisited the Timeline Jumping Class while journaling about prayer and incorporated some of Maryam's affirmations in my future self journal. I also adjusted the journal prompts to be more reflective of the terminology I like. I thought I would share below! I've been journaling this every for 25 days so far, I'm going to go past 30 I think, it's been super powerful this round

I finally got Timeline jumping 1.0 in a really clear way, and after I journal I do my Creative Visualization to align with my timeline

future self journal (dr nicole)

daily affirmation: my prayers are powerful. my prayers are answered.
today i am: deepening my relationship with prayer
i am grateful for: (everything i'm grateful for)
3 traits I'm developing:

- empowered prayer - (from timeline jumping 1.0) I am here as a creator being. I am not separate from God. I came here to experience being a creator. I have a life purpose and destiny to fulfill. I have special gifts. I am source. I am God.

- trust that my needs and desires are seamlessly met by an all loving all knowing universe

- a softening of heart towards myself, knowing i am deeply loved and held in the palm of god's hand

i am experiencing: (this changes a bit day by day) more love, freer energy, instant manifestation, delight, wonder, joy, answered prayers, synchronicity

i have the opportunity to align with my preferred timeline today when I: (this prompt is originally I have the opportunity to be my future self, but this adjustment resonates with me more) when I pray before bed and upon waking to align with my destiny and express gratitude for all that is before me

when I think about who I am becoming i feel: magical, abundant, at peace, uplifted, full of wonder and joy

it varies day by day, but writing this out every morning has been one of the most powerful meditations for me. since i started, i actually have deepened my relationship with prayer, and feel more trust, even more surprising for me, my guides have been communicating with me more directly and frequently through automatic writing and have been asking me to recite powerful affirmations, sometimes i'm so surprised by what i'm saying, it's so beautiful and makes me feel so loved i cry. deeply grateful.

sharing in case it helps someone.
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Re: higher self integration w/Maryam and Dr Nicole resources

Mindy Sue
In reply to this post by moonsun
I've never heard of Dr. Nicole! So happy you shared. I'm doing less tech time these days so I love that I can count of cool folx in the forum to suggest people. Thank you!