help please

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help please

Hello, I'm Rita. I'm fairly new to the community. So yesterday I did the Emotional alchemy 2.0 class with the breathwork exercises. I felt discomfort in the body but no  specific emotion came up. For the past 12 to 18 hours I've been engaging in constant incomprehensible emotional eating. It's 4 AM and I cannot sleep. I'm exhausted. Is this normal? Any suggestions?
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Re: help please

How has your water intake been?  Hydrating is important.  Grounding is important.  I like to get my bare feet on the earth and envision roots coming from my feet deep and wide into the earth and wrapping into my legs to my root. Peppermint, green tea, ginger and nettles would be very nourishing and energizing. Reach for a drink first, then if your body is still hungry, honor that.  Make a plate and sit to eat.  Chew thoroughly.  Focus on only eating and fueling your body.  What will you do with the energy? I’m also working on all of this.  These are the tools I’m utilizing.

Are you meditating regularly? Making time to meditate is something I struggle with.  When I don’t make the time, my body keeps me awake until I do. Fun times.

Opening and clearing leaves space.  Our instinct is to fill it. It takes time to get comfortable being lighter.  

Don’t beat yourself up.  Forgive yourself if you’re feeling guilty and move forward.  

Love and light to you.

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Re: help please

Thank you so much for the kind words, advice and support. I will definitely utilize the for mentioned tools.  
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Re: help please

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In reply to this post by RitaTheFlippingOctupus
Hi Rita!

Doing this work and a few of the classes brought up a lot of emotion for me too and I found that putting an even bigger emphasis on self love/care was necessary. So I agree with Danielle's response above! Also, use your judgement... I think this work can shine light on areas of trauma that may require deeper/more intensive support that a therapist can provide. I think becoming very aware of your body and your patterns is key. Has this happened before? Are you able to sit with the emotions or do you feel like it is preventing you from going through your daily life?

For me as I sat with my emotions-- and gave myself extra time and rest-- they passed. I have also gone through therapy before so I am somewhat aware of where my emotions come from when they come up. Have you watched Emotional Alchemy 1.0? I believe it talks about identifying where your emotions personally come from. It also discusses actions you can take and affirmations (a seemingly small concept, which can be really helpful!) to combat the negative spiral, once you have identified where the emotions come from.

I'm not a doctor or anyone qualified to give health advice at all, but I personally am all for emotional eating! Cooking and eating is a major healing process for me (hi, greasy period meals lol)! For me it is a time of rest usually and I know that I will return to my normal healthy habits when I am rebalanced. It honestly usually takes just 1 or 2 such meals. I have realized that sometimes when your body is forcing you to rest/slow down/nourish yourself, if you resist that you will remain in a state of stress and it may continue! (What you resist persists). What I'm saying is forgive yourself for this and it IS normal. Again, you know your habits, patterns and health needs better than I do so if there are more serious consequences for your emotional eating, please seek all forms of help to address it.

Finally practice and make a habit of radical self love/self-forgiveness. Love yourself unconditionally. Everything you do is an opportunity to learn about yourself and become even more of yourself -- even the most difficult times. Daily I *actively* remind myself of how much I am unconditionally loved (I started doing this while taking this class). Also remind yourself how much it makes sense for the body to have a stress reaction when stressful thought patterns/situations come up -- like yes of course it's normal this is what a human body should do. Even if you don't know why you're stressed... you're still stressed, so it's normal to have a stress reaction! Lol. I think Hasnaa mentions this in Emotional Alchemy 1.0 as well. Bottom line -- you're normal, but you have to take more powerful actions (and sometimes the most powerful action is rest!) to take care of yourself so you can continue to thrive in your life.

Hoping as you go deeper the waves of stress will be less intense and you will be able to "surf" them with more ease.
