The following was inspired by experiencing Maryam's energy visualization practice and continuous writing exercise in the December 29, 2020 Community Meeting video I watched yesterday. To be honest, I was a bit low energetically/emotionally before experiencing the practice and the first time I completely passed out.. I woke up in a light mood to Maryam saying something like "time's up chickadees" ha! When I rewound the video and engaged in the practice for a second time, however, I had a beautiful journey and experienced the color I wrote about below during the channeling portion:
< happy home color feeling >
a blend of earthly emerald green
and impressive galactic white
blissfully bright and easeful
sister of seafoam green
brother of teal and turquoise
sibling of a serene swimming experience
cousin of robin’s egg blue
a dash of aquamarine
a pinch of amazonite
It washes over in waves
but simultaneously lifts
as we float, suspended in softness
blanketed in bashful beauty
the heart chakra blushing
in the presence of angelic light
rooted and rising in Israfel, Raphael’s glow
hovering just below
pure expression, smooth speech
translucent truth
setting aside boldness
embracing iridescence
child’s laughter, hummingbird feathers
recalling father labradorite
remembering mother meramiyeh
glistening in morning dew
minty faceted magic
like the healing portals that are tears
drops that melt and meld
dissolving density
into lovely androgyny
a strong softness
like an easeful cloud
that can be laid upon

What's interesting is that after the practice I recalled that my baby color was this color. I texted my mom about the color this morning and she replied with the following:
"Kind of like an aqua. No it wasn't chosen before you were born. You had an outfit and pajamas, a gown that you looked really nice in. You also had a baby Mickey Mouse squeak toy that had the same color gown. The gown was bought before you were born. I had done your room in yellow mostly with baby Sesame Street. There was some of that kind of mint green, that’s what we called it, in there. I only bought gender neutral things prior to your birth. Lots of white, green, yellow. Mostly the linens and white tshirts onesies etc
You looked so beautiful in it. It went so well with your complexion. You seemed to like it too"