Winter Solstice Practice Lookback

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Winter Solstice Practice Lookback

Tarolyn Elder
Hello Everyone!!

Greetings! I can't believe we are halfway through 2018. As you know the feeling of "time" quickening comes with the breaking of old timelines and feeling the new Earth and new timelines. I had a really profound experience working on the Winter Solstice questions in Maryam's Dairy and I thought I would like to look back and see what I answered and how I'm feeling about it now. I know one of my visions for this year was to get more into my body and releasing tension and stagnant emotions and energy. So I just wanted share share and hopefully some of you would like join with me in looking back on half of the year with the questions from our Winter Solstice practice.

Please share with me your discoveries and accomplishments this year and what you have found through the winter oractice. I would love to hear about it.

Thank you and please comment!!
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Re: Winter Solstice Practice Lookback

Hi Tarolyn!

So, I ended up incorporating the Winter Solstice ritual prompts into a full on forgiveness/shadow work ritual and although I didn't mean for the delay, I ended up going through it on New Year's Day...which if you remember, happened to be a full moon. So I went off script and off schedule lol. And, whew! It was powerful in a not so easy way. I focused on the most impactful relationships in my life -- both the "people who trigger me" and "people I admire/look up to (and perhaps put on a pedestal)" sides of the shadow. I ended up with what felt like more work to do at the end of the ritual. I was emotionally out of it for a week or two and I felt it physically too.


I have had major shifts in my perceptions of those relationships in the last six months. I'm talking "oh, wow this isn't triggering me, at ALL" types of shifts in some of my interactions which feels like such a win and like my inner child has aged 10 years lol. I've also discovered new areas of deeper work to do within myself regarding some of these relationships. I'm excited to do the work!

Summer solstice is coming up in a few days and it is one of my favorite holidays, because it's the longest day of the year where I live. Surprisingly I've never done a ritual for it, I just hope to be outside and connect with nature and maybe engage with the questions Berenice offered to us in the most recent Rebirthing class.

Will you be doing any Summer Solstice rituals?

I hope all is well.

Blessings x