Where to begin?

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Where to begin?

Peace Love y’all.

I’m fresh to the community and thrilled to be here with everyone :)

I realize I’ll be playing catch up and was just curious where folks started if they happened to hop on board a while after classes initially began? Is there any particular order to go about things or just let our intuition be our guide and go about things in that manner?

Thank you for your input and support. I’m very glad to be here.

Peace Love,
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Re: Where to begin?

Intuition! What your heart tells you

Maryam talks about how she has intentions for herself for the order she creates them, but we do what we want
I watched them out of order and they came with such synchronicity it was better than following anyone else's thoughts on how to watch

Have fun!
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Re: Where to begin?

Werrrrd. Thank you! Sorry for the late reply. It just popped into my head that I hadn’t been on the forum for a minute, so I decided to check back in.

I appreciate your response and thoughts 🙏🏽 I’ll let the Higher Self do its thing! 😊

Peace Love.