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When Up Feels Like Down

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When Up Feels Like Down

Hey NEMS fam, I've been experiencing a real shift in the midst of some challenging circumstances. Increased synchronicity to a degree that my friends are in awe. Some intense feeling-vision experiences while creative visualizing that I haven't shared with anyone because I would sound crazy.


At the same time, my relationship with my family is in turmoil--especially with my mother. She's an empath or highly sensitive with zero boundaries and I'm a highly sensitive with strong boundaries that I'm beginning to hold with her. It turns out this is not very popular... WHO KNEW??

I was dragged down into the dysfunctional drama this past weekend and missed the classes live. Just wanted to hear from anyone here who might feel they're ascending and then getting triggered at the same time by all their old shit.

Ana Maria

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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

Constantly. My son and I have been in this power control struggle since his birth and it’s two steps forward two steps back.  I know when I solidify my boundaries and release my need to control, his drama will no longer take hold in my body. It’s extra difficult having to you know parent him through this.  Especially recognizing that these programs came from me. When I fall back into the patterns, I force space between us, meditate and do some tapping.  

Goodluck. You are not alone.
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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

Ana Maria
Danielle, I truly appreciate your reply. “You are not alone.” We all need to know this.

Love and harmony to you and your son.

Ana Maria
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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

Shai Nicole
In reply to this post by anamaria
I'm interested to hear about those visions  (:

we're definitely evolving faster than ever now and, it is even affecting the people around us. like a ripple or domino effect.

I've been remembering the power of awareness, acceptance, nonattachment, & nonjudgement especially during these darker more reflective seasons. I had an NDE that totally changed my perspective. & have been working on integrating the lessons "no one owes me anything, I do not owe anyone anything"

thank you for sharing ♡♡ sending love ♡♡♡♡♡
❁❁❁ bless
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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

In reply to this post by anamaria
definitely experiencing this "when up feels like down" relationship turmoil too. It's powerful to find the gift in it. EFT is helpful

I wrote a quote down from maryam's IG the other day about healing trauma...

"Each time you find yourself preparing to react in the old way use your awareness to override the chemical addiction to reacting habitually. break the cycle. Instead of reacting I chose to observe myself in any situation I am revisiting. I chose to listen to what my body is communicating and simply ask, what is the fear that is coming up. ****recognize it’s never about the other person who is simply playing a role****

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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

Also THIS omg https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7aHJwAZC2/

Yeah, I've really been feeling the retriggering wave/revisiting old core wounds. I'm just gonna copy and paste all of Maryam's post here:

I love when I revisit an old situation and I just feel light about it. I don’t feel hurt, angry or reactive. I just feel neutral. This is a really good place to be. I am revisiting so many situations and relationships where I let myself be the victim by being more concerned with the other persons feelings than my own. And yet the higher self never hold grudges. So when you refuse to forgive someone what happens is you create distance between you and your higher self.
Sometimes life is disappointing not because anything is actually wrong but because you are attached to what doesn’t serve you. Even in the midst of someone being unkind to me, I have the power to practice loving kindness with myself. This has made all the difference in not allowing the energy that others direct at me to disturb my peace..
I forgive myself for being so naive, loving and only wanting to see the best in people that Ive ignored intuition. I forgive myself for attracting you when I was not loving myself and then blaming you for my pattern. I forgive you.
When I’m loving myself, I maintain clear and honest boundaries because I know it’s good for my nervous system. I speak my truth where it matters and I name behaviors from others that I recognize as unconscious patterns.
Check in with your behavior to see if you’re in a pattern of pushing others away and isolating yourself in those exact moments when you need support the most. Let go of those relationships that make you feel you need to guard, protect, or close your heart. Continually examine the ways you have used rejection from others to reject yourself. Call those parts of your life force home. If you have experienced feeling rejection, abandonment, or love not being reciprocated, remember this has nothing to do with your worthiness.
You can chose to see there is no such thing as rejection. If someone feels you are not right for them, they are also not right for you. It’s ok to recognize if you have normalized abuse and dysfunction in relationships. But once you do it’s your work to step out of your denial and fantasies. To accept the reality of how you have been treating yourself. And forgive."
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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

This post was updated on Nov 09, 2018; 4:36pm.
The author has deleted this message.
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Re: When Up Feels Like Down

Also from Tasha


"Energy Report:
The last two weeks you would have had a close up of your shadow. What does this mean? It means seeing parts of yourself you have hidden from yourself or maybe facing some truths you once weren’t able to admit to yourself. You had a chance to get up close and personal with yourself, and for some this may have caused a lot of resistance. But now, this insight to your shadow has brought changes for you and you know what to do, because the truth is you always know what to do."