When Opportunities Go Away

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When Opportunities Go Away

This past month has been an interesting one.

I've been reached out to by many creatives who want to work with me. I'll say 'yes'. Then the opportunity either falls off, or gets canceled or postponed.

I make my living as an artist and so when this happens it becomes a bit frightening.

I'm trying to feel out what God is trying to tell me.

Maybe I'm being told to have more faith, which was my first thought.

I've also said 'no' to projects that aren't "hell yes" because I feel that I don't want to take part in things I don't want more of. I was hoping this would leave room for the things that truly feel connected to my heart and can help me sustain and thrive financially.

Anyone else experience something like this?

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Re: When Opportunities Go Away

Hey daphne!

I haven't experienced this exact circumstance, but it reminds me of other times in my life when i made room and welcomed something into my experience and it arrived, but then went away shortly after. I take it as i still have inner work to do around deserving that very thing I'm calling in and unconscious programming that is coming back up once the thing arrives.

It is a great sign that things are showing up! To me it means there's definitely change happening, and more fine tuning to do.

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Re: When Opportunities Go Away

In reply to this post by Daphne
Hi Daphne! Thank you for sharing this. I'm a full-time artist and energy worker, still struggling to make a living, and I go through cycles of very similar situations as the one you've described. Usually I end up feeling so lost and devastated from an old fear of losing my hard-earned agency over my life - it took me a long time to reclaim my life from abusive situations so the fear of not earning enough often haunts me. I used to lash out at myself so harshly whenever those "Yes" fizzled out or whenever someone didn't send me a brief they promised, etc. Sometimes these triggers happen to show you where you haven't been honoring your boundaries, where you haven't been saying Yes to yourself, your needs, your guidance.

Turns out, when those situations happened to me, it wasn't work that I needed. It was rest. Or maybe it was a gestating period for one of my projects or research to take root and grow so it can be the best it can be. It took some time, but I no longer take it personally when these situations happen (although I will say something/take action if someone's practice/communication pattern is downright unethical), and whenever the fear pops up, I make it a point to carve out some space in my schedule to tune in and see what wants to be acknowledged, released, and integrated (shadow work, meditation, EFT, journaling, ritual work).

I'm in a place now where I'm in full surrender to Source and my soul's Divine plan, so even though I struggle with making money specifically, I'm beginning to see that I actually have everything I need, eg. a home, loved ones, space to heal, space to create, opportunities to try new stuff out and even to mess up and learn and keep trying. I realize I already did the work of ensuring I was physically safe enough to catch up on all the rest and healing my body and soul need - but I haven't truly celebrated it, and taking time for that was important too. I love my work so much, and I have this whole check-in process now before I say "Yes" to projects. I've learned so much about my own boundaries and resourcefulness through this. And I know the magic of my life enough to know I will be okay.

You mentioned your first thought was to have more faith - check-in with your heart and see if that's coming from your intuitive guidance. If it is, that's probably it and there will be a lot of medicine for you in exploring that, by exploring how you express faith, how you give thanks, have you celebrated how far you've come, etc.

I hope that helps. Wishing you so much ease in your creative and professional life!

