Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

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Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

I just watched the Reprogramming talks. They make too much sense as far as needing to work with the subconscious mind. I looked into hypnosis and Bruce Lipton came up. He said a lot of the same things Maryam shared with us about theta state of mind. I tried to listen to a hypnosis before bed by Jody Whitely on Youtube. It kept me up all night. Definitely could be an expectation issue. I listen to meditations to get to sleep so it wasn't that far from my normal routine but maybe knowing it could program something into my subconscious triggered my defenses. Anyone have any hypnosis resources that you trust and find effective??
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Re: Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

Ok so - this is an area that can definitely get really weird really fast, but have you tried ASMR? I was referred by someone with a lot of expertise in sleep hypnosis to this YouTuber: https://youtu.be/hrKK9LzmKr4 - and specifically that video about shadow integration, which I love!

I think ASMR can get really off in the deep end with role plays, etc., which depending on your taste can be a good or a bad thing ;) But for me, this girl does a great job of incorporating education about the topic and weaving in the kid of reprogramming phrases and affirmations that I’m looking for. AND I always fall asleep after playing one of her videos - AND I tend to notice big shifts in behavioral changes and attitudes in myself!

I’ve only tried a few carefully-selected videos of hers, so I can’t vouch for all of them, and, as always, take what serves and leave what doesn’t - but I hope this could be a helpful starting place for you! Let us know what else you’re finding and what’s working for you!
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Re: Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

Thanks for sharing this!  I hadn't heard of ASMR but its nice and I'm interested in learning more about its connection to hypnosis.
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Re: Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

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Re: Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

A simple Louise Hay affirmation track is also nice to just fall asleep to

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Re: Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

I deleted my previous post because it was too long and complicated

Self Hypnosis has been really helpful for me, using Maryam's reprogramming playlist on apple music and spotify for theta tracks

close your eyes, get free by grace smith is a GREAT book (her recorded tracks are awesome, thanks Ariel for recommending it in a previous thread on hypnosis--seriously helped me), this is her basic self hypnosis meditation

Basic Meditation

1. Find comfortable position
2. Do some slow breathing/breath work/body scan
3. See yourself grow roots into the ground
4. Imagine a favorite color washing over top of head, through the body, washing away stress and thoughts, out your feet and back into the ground and universe
5. See staircase and count 10 "I'm going deeper and deeper" as you see yourself go down the stairs, reaching stair #1 visualize yourself in your favorite safe space
6. now you're in theta: reprogramming - grace smith's method has specific, repeated affirmations - could also be visualization
7. Imagine feeling more (powerful, loving, abundant, grateful, productive) and taking positive action through out the day
8. Smile, open eyes and say Yes!

marisa peer rtt hypnosis has a cool trick of staring up into eyebrows for four deep relaxing breaths - this is the position the eyes take right before you go to sleep so it helps induce theta. I add this the grace space hypnosis method.

but here is the marisa peer rtt induction process I transcribed from her recordings

1. Comfortable position
2. Stare up into eyebrows for four deep relaxing breaths then shut eyes
3. Feel body getting heavy and drowsy
4. See a staircase and count 10 getting deeper as you go down
5. THETA STATE - reprogramming time
6. Count self back 1 to 5 feeling refreshed

another tip I picked up was from Joe Dispenza's books, feeling the energy inside your palms and around your palms, and doing that for all areas of your body--as an alternative to a normal body scan

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Re: Want to Explore Hypnosis But Paranoid... Suggestions??

I experienced physical anxiety when I first tried hypnosis, and I'd end recordings early. It helped me a lot to just actively listening to the recording while fully awake and not "going under" to make sure I agreed with the message and trusted what they were saying. It helped me have control.