Just got off the Sisterhood 2.0 class. I'm going to sit with the emotions and info that popped up during this course today.
I wanted to see from the community if there are folks who had experiences similar to mine and how they were able to develop sisterhood. I'm a content loner who for a while just thought I wasn't "the type" to have a large group of friends. Much of my childhood also showed harmful examples of sisterhood or dismissed sisterhood.
I feel like there is a lack of understanding I have to it now, and I'm trying to create it from scratch. Almost like trying to imagine a new color that you don't know exists. I love being with myself but I know I'm missing out on deep relationships. I feel like an alien and can focus a lot on safety and not accidentally causing offense when around women. I'm wondering if anyone else was in a similar boat and what have you done to build a community of sisters that worked for you?