Survivors Guilt

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Survivors Guilt

Hello everyone I am Kubby! This my first post and I am going to just dive right in. Has anyone experienced or dealt with survivors' guilt through your spiritual practices? I remember experiencing it as a child of a dysfunctional family (mind you my life wasn't ideal, to begin with) I felt it again when none of my friends from senior year HS went to college. It seems like every time a big shift happens in my life this feeling comes up. Now I know for sure that this time it is related to knowing that it's time to let what's left of my friend circle go.

Any advice or if you can relate would be helpful. I have really been getting on myself about respecting people's boundaries and learning to enforce my own. I see now that this means my friendships are left at being surface level. The guilt comes in because these people have encouraged me, supported me, or just been there through all of my "weird" awakening moments.

I just joined New Earth and if there is a class that brings this up I will be happy to check it out as well.
Heavy is the hand that lifts the veils...
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Re: Survivors Guilt

Completely Kubby. I don't have any advice but am currently working with similar things!
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Re: Survivors Guilt

In reply to this post by DirectedxKubby
I have no advice here but just wanted you to know I see what you're sharing and the work you're doing feels so important. <3
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Re: Survivors Guilt

 OMG thank you for the acknowledgment, I appreciate that.
Heavy is the hand that lifts the veils...
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Re: Survivors Guilt

In reply to this post by DirectedxKubby
Hi Kubby! I can relate to the feeling of relationship changes and honoring your own and the boundaries of others. I’m not sure if I’ve felt survivors guilt as you describe but I have experienced not wanting to leave anyone behind in my growing awareness.

I’m not sure what class in NEMS solely talks about this but the Sisterhood classes were extremely helpful for me. I had to keep coming back to the awareness that everyone’s Higher Self is Divinely and perfectly guiding their lives for the lessons they’re meant to learn. I now just send love and mind my business/ hold space for them be it energetic or physical. “The Metaphysics of Minding Your Business” 1.0 &2.0 was also really good! Sending you lots of love in your journey!! You got this! (313)-969-8321 feel free to text me 💕🐉👍🏽