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Soul Mate Relationships Study Hall

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Soul Mate Relationships Study Hall

Welcome to study hall! :)

This is a space to share what you are working on related to soul mate relationships, in the hopes that what you share may be a key for someone else going through the same thing.

Within “Soul Mate Relationships Study Hall” share your processes/successes/journaling strategies/resources you have found etc. around the concepts we discussed in the two soul mate relationships videos.

This is not so much a place to ask advice/do Q & A (there will be availability for that in class and in any accountability groups formed!) but more to expound upon how we are doing with what Hasnaa has taught. Feel free to ask clarification questions on what is posted here though.

I think it will best to keep things short and sweet here. It may help to organize/separate your posts so that each new technique you are sharing is a new reply on this thread (rather than putting everything you have discovered for soul mate relationships into one long post).

Some topics come up in multiple classes; I would say let’s not get too hung up on whether something applies to multiple threads as long as we stay mostly on topic.

Looking forward to learning and sharing with you all!
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Re: Soul Mate Relationships Study Hall

After seeing Paasche's post about the information overload, I feel called to share that my process after experiencing the extremely powerful, and moving ancestral lineage healing class was simply to turn down my lights and listen to relaxing meditation music and just sit in stillness for about 20 minutes. I know I'm going to return to this work but it hit me so strongly that I needed to process it and I think I am still processing it. I can't wait until I'm ready to dive back in.

If anyone has been doing this work and is excited about it I would love to hear your experiences!

Sending love.