Skin Conditions & Rememberance Journies

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Skin Conditions & Rememberance Journies

Hi everyone,

I'm curious if anyone else in this community has chronic or severe skin conditions (or any health conditions) and do inner work to learn about themselves and their relationship with their body as it connects to their spiritual journey or lifes purpose?

I've had eczema since I was 5. Its gotten more severe since this shelter in place started and to keep it short I've learned a lot of important lessons. I know many people with eczema but they don't seem to connect to their condition the way I do and I was looking for some community/support. Thanks in advance! Hope you all are doing well <3

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Re: Skin Conditions & Rememberance Journies

Hi Karen!

I have eczema as well since a young age. Physically I’ve tried so many things - herbal and medical remedies. The only thing that works it keeping my skin routine simple, plant based diet and no stress. Emotional overwhelm causes my eczema to flare so much even when I’m doing everything else right.

The inner work that I’ve done and have to do in order to heal  is self love work. Sometimes I get so upset as to why I have to live this “restricted” lifestyle because of the eczema and some others do not. I’m so you she’s light on this.
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Re: Skin Conditions & Rememberance Journies

hey karen!

I've actually had some recent issues with eczema. I have had it on my scalp most of my life but in the past year or so I had some flare ups on my hands and legs. I had no idea what was causing it and it was so irritating and itchy I thought it would never go away. In my experience, my flare ups were just a symptom of me having poor boundaries. My dermatologist told me that our skin is the layer that protects our bodies from the rest of the world and when this layer is compromised it allows chemicals and toxins in (from the air, dish soap, pet dander, all sorts of other stuff) that can result in irritation and eczema.  From an energetic perspective, I would get these flare ups because I was still learning about creating boundaries and finding my happy place (not taking on other people's energy lol). I still am working on it but I've come a long way.

I think every body is different and people get eczema for different reasons so there are lots to learn from conditions like that. I feel like more so though its about the connection and communication you have with your body that's so profound, not necessarily just the ailment itself. I feel like lately more than ever my body is super "talkative" showing me things in the physical that are happening on an energetic level. I'm glad you don't see your eczema as something to just get rid of, there are more levels than that!