I had to cut the energetic cord with my younger sister in May. I had a revelation that I was pouring a lot of energy into our relationship, and she wasn't interested in reciprocating it at all. Has taught this concept of "energy leaks" in one of her classes. You end up energetically drained because you're giving love, compassion, etc. without the other person honoring what you've given to them.
For me, the healthiest option was to break ties in a loving, respectful way. And I had to honestly admit to myself that my sister doesn't give a fuck about me. And I have to find a way to be okay with that. It doesn't mean that it'll be this way forever. But, in this season of life it's just the hard, honest truth.
I believe there will be a day when we can reconcile. But, I'm not interested in forcing it, knowing that she'll just resist.