Seeking guidance from dreams

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Seeking guidance from dreams

I wanted to share this somewhere...and this seemed like the place. I've been going through some of the recorded classes (slowly) for the last few months, and in one Maryam suggested keeping a dream journal and asking for guidance for a specific situation, so for the last week that's what I've done. As I lay down last night, I wondered "is this even doing anything?" because none of my dreams (that I remember) have been about the situation for which I've requested guidance.

And then I as I lay there, I realized that -- OMG -- I *have* made a decision and even taken steps toward that decision. Like, what?? /chuckle/ Crazy, right? But I wanted to share, since it was something that was causing me some angst and it's resolved now (at least that one question). So I'll keep that dream journal going I guess!
