Schumann Resonance

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Schumann Resonance

Catherine Hamilton
For those who aren't on the Facebook group, I shared this:

There have been massive shifts in planetary alignment, of the Schumann resonance. The Schumann resonance is the frequency that the earth vibrates at, and there has been a massive shift. The 26th and 27th, what has been called, “the fingers of God", from the solar flares, onto the earth, and as we know we are mere antennas here on the earth channelling this through. Has anyone felt the effects of this?

Take care,
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Re: Schumann Resonance

Thank you for sharing this, Catherine. I don't know why this moved me so much. It felt like something inside me had an aha! moment, and when she said in the video, " helps us release what we've touched that was deep within us" - that felt so complete.

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Re: Schumann Resonance

Catherine Hamilton
I'm so happy you had that experience with it!