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Raise Your Vibration Study Hall

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Raise Your Vibration Study Hall

This post was updated on Jan 06, 2018; 3:11am.
Welcome to study hall! :)

This is a space to share what you are working on related to raising your vibration, in the hopes that what you share may be a key for someone else going through the same thing.

Within “Raise Your Vibration Study Hall” share your processes/successes/journaling strategies/resources you have found etc. around the concepts we discussed in the two raise your vibration videos.

This is not so much a place to ask advice/do Q & A (there will be availability for that in class and in any accountability groups formed!) but more to expound upon how we are doing with what Hasnaa has taught. Feel free to ask clarification questions on what is posted here though.

I think it will best to keep things short and sweet here. It may help to organize/separate your posts so that each new technique you are sharing is a new reply on this thread (rather than putting everything you have discovered for raising your vibration into one long post).

Some topics come up in multiple classes; I would say let’s not get too hung up on whether something applies to multiple threads as long as we stay mostly on topic.

Looking forward to learning and sharing with you all!
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Re: Raise Your Vibration Study Hall

i just wanted to share a few things i have been doing regularly for the past year or so and some of the great (and not so great) effects!

-meditation of course, i like to work with crystals but something new i've added is sound healing every single time i meditate. i will put on headphones and find a youtube video suited to whatever i want to accomplish and i have a few sanskrit mantras i like to silently chant or i'll just breathe in "I Am."
one of the vids i use: https://youtu.be/UWS2pIXvLdQ

-creative visualization

-adding herbal regime to my day to day! it depends what your health calls for but i use ginger capsules, oregano oil supplements, echinacea capsules, holy basil droplets added to my water, and i recently ordered Has's higher self tea i can't wait to try. all of these things i found at my health food store for relatively cheap!

-daily gratitude prayer

-when i experience a lesson that appears painful through an experience with someone else i:
write it out, whatever anger or sadness i feel i identify it, i forgive myself and express love to myself and the person who i shared the experience with and this allows me to release any old beliefs or harmful energy i've been holding onto to allow in new healing energy

-studying (i'll add my fave books to the book thread soon)

i've had to learn the hard way to pace myself with these things, i've recently learned how my body pains have been signalling a flow of energy that is coming in too quickly from my crown chakra when i experience large energetic shifts or do intense energy work without taking a break (headaches, stomach ache, muscle aches, foggy brain, fatigue, etc). what helps is making sure to eat healthy and drink tea during those times, prioritize healthy amounts of sleep, and asking Spirit and your Higher Self for assistance in lessening the pain by adjusting the flow of energy through your body =)
warmth and peace to you