Parallel Soul Group

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Parallel Soul Group

Has anyone had any experience with soul groups? I'm sure some of you have. I received a Soul Blueprint reading and it revealed that I was come from Souls from Parallels. I couldn't find much information about them online. The woman who gave me the reading said that she, herself has not had much contact with people from this soul group. If anyone could point me in the right direction of some information that would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Parallel Soul Group

Your post stood out to me thank you for sharing here, have you uncovered more personally in this area?

I once walked into a shop where this woman looked up at me and recognized me from a soul group that she felt I was part of. A wave of souls she described that incarnated to help with raising the collective vibration. She stated her daughter was also part of this group and I shared similar characteristics and as we got to chatting it wasn't that we had much in common on paper- she is a dancer and works in the creative arts, I'm a book nerd, into plants and astrology. She's blonde with blue eyes, I have dark eyes and hair. As we kept talking she mentioned her daughter's birthday, the day before mine in the same year. I had goosebumps all over!

Here's an interesting bit of reading on it
Also I think in recent classes on the akashic record Maryam discusses the oversoul, which is discussed in the above blog post.
