New Earth "Past Life" Paradigm

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New Earth "Past Life" Paradigm

Hi All!

I just started listening to the Akashic records class 1.0 and I just had to stop and share because my jaw DROPPED.

For some background, the concept of past lives wasn't something I was ever interested in prior to awakening, and I've never "felt/remembered" things that I've heard other express when they shared about their experience with past lives. I also felt like when I visualized (independently) my akashic record started with my name. I came to accept that it's likely I have past lives that I just am not aware about and kind of just put those thoughts on the shelf.

Anyway, my jaw dropped when Pamela Aralyn mentioned that the soul will not give you access to past lives if you no longer need it, it's no longer relevant, or it's disempowering to your journey.

I'm only 20 mins into the first video and I can't wait to catch up on everything else that is shared, this new paradigm on the Akashic Records is so refreshing and revitalizing.

Anyone else want to share any other thoughts on the Akashic Records? Would love to start a convo around this!

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Re: New Earth "Past Life" Paradigm

Hey Willow! I myself have always been what I considered an "old soul" and I KNEW that once I awakened I've been here MANY MANY times. I never felt the need to explore the idea further than that and prior to watching the Akashic Records classes really didn't have the knowledge to understand why.
I will admit, I attended the Pamela class live, and the energy was far too electric, and I probably should have exited the class and watched later.. however, I didn't and I left that class just thinking "wow that just really didn't resonate with me"
Many months later I had some dreams about being burned at the stake and being hunted. I didn't understand it until i had an aura reading the the mystic told me I had been killed many times and that I didn't need to explore it.
So now I'm wondering if I should rewatch that class, pick up some new gems :)