Moving Vibes

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Moving Vibes

Hey all,

The last community meeting was so wonderful as I resonated personally with a lot with what was discussed. In particular, moving.

I'm in the process of moving into my first solo apartment. There's fear surrounding this for me since I feel I'm getting naysayers around me. Have you experienced this? Are you open to sharing how you've overcome the fear?

Blessings to all of you.

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Re: Moving Vibes

Hi Daphne!

I intend to move next January and I hear you, I have gotten some negative feedback but I know its time to move and has been for some time. I was a source of my own negative feedback on moving I kept telling myself that I didn't know how to move across the country. One of my friends told me that I need to realize that I am not stuck I have the freedom to pick up and leave and the knowledge to do so. Another friend said that I need to start saying "When I move" instead of "If I move" and that was very powerful to me.

One way I thought of to work on my fear of moving is to write down :

How will moving benefit me?

Why do I want to move to?

Also, sometimes ppl in our lives are just scared for us to do something big like this because they either never did it or did it and struggled. You know what your capable of and what's best for you in the end. I wish you well as you prepare to get a solo place.
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Re: Moving Vibes

Rae DeAngelo
In reply to this post by daphne
Hi Daphne!

I was also happy to hear the topic of moving come up in the discussion and to see your post here in the forum. I can very much relate to what you’ve shared. I’m newly relocated and spent the summer solstice/eclipse portal getting settled into my new space. It is the first time I am living completely on my own, and I decided to move to a new state where I can be in closer relationship with nature. It is a newly birthed intentional co-living community for wellness and sustainability, so I am excited to be part of as it grows!

Despite the potential for community here, I do feel like I am embarking on a lone wolf phase of my journey, after spending much of my life very enmeshed with those I love. Taking a chance and going my own way felt aligned. A calling to explore my inner depths and deepen my relationship with self and my support in the unseen realms.

I’ve received the concerns and fears of my family without dismissing their feedback, but ultimately this move was orchestrated by my higher guidance and it was something I could not ignore. Should fear or doubt come up, I try to let it come all the way up. I feel it and I tune inward. Is it based on my reality or someone else’s? Is it based in the past or the present?

The message I keep coming back to is, I am willing to sacrifice the familiarity of my comfort zone to embody more of who I really am. I’m willing to leave my old life behind, to expand into more of my gifts and more of my joy. When it feels intimidating, I ask how might I become more playful with it. And I remember that no matter what, I am going to learn so much from his experience.

I hope that something here resonates with you. Trust in your soul’s plan and in the knowing, that when you follow your heart you will land exactly where you are meant to.

Sending warmth <3
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Re: Moving Vibes

In reply to this post by Emryss

Thank you for your response and sharing this with me. I'm feeling supported and grounded now having given myself time to be in prayer as well as taking actionable steps like, taking apartment tours. Also, I've found support with family and close friends. Will be applying for my first one by this weekend!

Blessings to you on your moving journey <3

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Re: Moving Vibes

In reply to this post by Rae DeAngelo

Thank you for sharing this wisdom and congratulations on your relocation!

I'm feeling more and more like myself while on this search for my new home.

Being in spiritual solitude is what is singing in my heart so I feel you.

Blessings to you and your new home!