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Karmic vs Dharmic relationships

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Karmic vs Dharmic relationships

I have been thinking a lot about what Maryam has said about Karmic vs. Dharmic relationships. From what I understand, karmic relationships, in particular, the romantic ones will be exciting and have a lot of yearning associated with it at a hormonal level, whereas dharmic ones may feel more companionate, but without the intense charge. In the last few years since I started my ascension journey, I have dated people who seemed to provide me at first with a dharmic experience. I wasn't really into them at first with a lot of yearning, but fell into a yearning-based relationship with them, which ended disastrously. More recently, i have dated people who excite me on an intellectual and spiritual level because I see the potential of what we could create together for the world, but I have kept the yearning in check. These have not been "successful" relationships in that we are still together, but I have been able to bid them adieu with grace. Is it possible for relationships to be both dharmic and karmic? And are dharmic relationships necessarily "boring"? Because I can see a dharmic relationship be very exciting and nourishing on every level because of the work you do together.
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Re: Karmic vs Dharmic relationships

Anna Love

From what I understand, the excitement that she's referring to about karmic connections is coming from unhealed trauma in the body from past lives/current karmic agreements. The response in the body can be healed, through various reprogramming methods, which changes the way your nervous system functions. (We literally can change our bodies, this is so wild and amazing to me!) So I would think that once we make the nervous system changes, once we rewire the neural pathways, then our bodies respond differently to connections, be it karmic or dharmic. And assuming we've rewired ourselves to the place where we can be excited about those dharmic connections because of the growth we can go through together, I would think that's the new timeline that we want to be on.

I've noticed that I can tell the difference in my body with how a karmic vs dharmic connection feels, and this has been another lesson in honoring and trusting my intuition. Also, I believe the excitement feels more like when you're intensely attracted to someone, like stomach dropping, palms sweaty, heat sweep, etc, is an indication of karma, because my body remembers something that happened. And dharma feels more like a knowing of peace, if that makes any sense :)

These are my musings, would love to hear your thoughts!