Is this for me?

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Is this for me?

Good Morning,

So, as I write this, I’m already searching for the words to express exactly what I’m feeling. I’lll apologize in advance if my thoughts (this message) are all over the place.  This is representative of my life right now, LOL.

First things first, I found out about you through Fran (HeyFranHey) months ago and started following you on Twitter. I’m not on Twitter that much, so I can’t say Ive seen many of your posts, but I was on yesterday and a post caught my eye. From there, I went to your website and found out about the class, and it piqued my interest, so here I am.

Having said all of that, I don’t know much about all of this. I was reading through some of the posts and content last night, and most of the time, I felt completely lost (for example, timeline jumping… I’d never heard of that and was so confused). This leaves me wondering if this content is going to be too advanced for someone like me. I’m eager to learn, but I also don’t want to miss out on receiving the message, simply b/c I’m so new to this and have to google most of what is being mentioned, LOL.

This is what I know for sure… I feel lost most of the time. Like I am just floating through life, not set on any particular path. I am searching for something/everything/myself. I question every decision I make and pretty much every thought I have and a lot of times I need those thoughts/decisions to be validated or approved by someone else (my mom for example) before I can even feel I have the confidence to move forward. This is problematic b/c I’m a 33 year old single mother of 3 boys, I own my own business (a daycare), which I’m pretty good at (yet I question it every day)… I’ve been very independent my entire life, however, I question every part of who I am, every decision I have to make, b/c I don’t want to fail. I’m almost in tears writing this b/c all I want is clarity, the confidence to live the life I’ve crafted, and a feeling of peace at the end of the day. Again, I feel like I’m just kinda lost and searching right now, for everything…

I feel I’m somewhat intuitive, and that I have a bit of a “sixth sense” about some things (like I can have a thought about someone, and they literally pull up in front of my home 30 minutes later, when I hadn’t seen or spoken to them in several months— this happens to me often). Outside of that, I can’t say I have any spiritual gifts, or anything “special” that I’m aware of. My point is, is this New Earth Mystery School even appropriate for me, with my lack of knowledge on all things spiritual? I’m eager to learn, and obviously looking for answers about who I am and how I fit into everything… but I just want to make sure I haven’t entered a space that is completely beyond where I am today. I feel silly even writing this, but I had to ask and kinda be more open than I’m used to. I just don’t want to look up 3 months from now, and feel like I haven’t contributed to the class or grown any b/c I was scared to ask the silly questions  and scared to say that I just don’t know much about any of this.

Sorry for the length of this message. I hope you can guide me either way, as to whether this class is appropriate for someone like me, someone at the basic basic level, with no true understanding of all of this yet.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Is this for me?

Hi Paasche.

I understand how you feel. I do believe the fact that you even found Maryam is spirit guided. I didn’t know much when I first started this spiritual self finding journey and I’m still learning at 31 years old so don’t beat yourself up. What are you drawn to? The way how I figured this out was making my life “quiet” - I made the time to sit with myself in stillness so I can hear my own inner voice. I started off in the “witchy” new age studies (tarot and beyond). Now I realized I’m more drawn to old ancient eastern teachings/religions etc. (currently studying Buddhism)

You will find your way. All the answers are within

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Re: Is this for me?


Thanks so much for the response. I agree that me finding Maryam was spirit guided and I felt it right away. I'm going to enter this journey with an open heart and a willingness to quiet my life and surroundings, so I can learn who I am.
Thanks for mentioning how you’re now drawn to something different than when you first started. For some reason, I feel I needed to hear that.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

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Re: Is this for me?

Hey Paasche,

Thank you for writing to us & opening up about how you feel.

I agree with Tiffany also, you are here because you are meant to be. Don't worry or stress about learning everything. It will all come to you in time & you will know what resonates with you.

I would recommend to follow the classes in the order they've been delivered as I found them to flow very well and it was easier to pick up the new concepts and tool. Maryam is very consistent in running the same themes through the lessons and linking topics, great for deeper understanding and clarity as you go.

I have been so excited at learning about all this and a times have felt overwhelmed, scared etc too but the best thing you can do is relax & take your time. Things will unfold eventually.

Well done on your business and children, happy for you. We are all here at different stages but we are all the same. Seeking for the peace & joy in life. Be good to yourself.

Wishing you the best on your journey. I am a "newbie" like you too & funny how timeline jumping caught me off guard too. However, I did understand it more after the lessons.

Peace darling,
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Re: Is this for me?

In reply to this post by paasche

Thank you for being so vulnerable.

Sending you massive waves of love (((((((((((( <3 )))))))))))))))

I found Has through HeyFranHey too, so I feel like we are on the same wavelength --  For me, it was a very gradual process of being introduced to new terms via Hasnaa's twitter. Then my understanding accelerated very rapidly when I joined the classes. My approach in general has been, as Hasnaa often says in class, take what you resonate with, and leave the rest. In other words if I felt something didn't apply to me I would pretty much leave it alone until I felt ready to explore/research it.

It's my feeling that the ultimate goal of this space is to help you feel peace. So it's okay to do anything that can lead you to this...whether it's pulling back from all of it for a while and focusing on your day to day or, like you're doing here, asking more questions. Both are great :)

Also, I am not sure if you've attended a live class or watched one of the sessions, but there is always a section at the end where Hasnaa answers Q&A that everyone is able to submit throughout the class, and she often answers questions about terminology and basic concepts, or will refer you to her previous videos or soundcloud posts.

I would say a good place to start if you haven't taken her class are her blog on medium, and her soundcloud and youtube pages.

The most important thing is to meet yourself where you are! Don't rush anything and do what makes you feel good and supports you at the moment.

I hope this was helpful. Wishing you and your boys a beautiful end of the week and a wonderful weekend!


p.s. I aspire to own a business and from where I stand, it seems like you are kicking ass in life!
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Re: Is this for me?

Maryam Hasnaa
In reply to this post by paasche
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Re: Is this for me?

In reply to this post by Shabana

Thank you for the warm welcome. After looking around more, I do feel like this will be a great journey and I’m looking forward to continuing it. I agree that taking the classes in order will also be the best approach and hopefully ease me into everything in a way that isn’t overwhelming. Thank you again for taking the time to connect with me.

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Re: Is this for me?

In reply to this post by Irene

Thank you for taking the time to connect with me. You said several things that really spoke to me and the advice from Maryam to “take what you resonate with, and leave the rest” really hit home. I guess that’s been a big worry for me— not understanding everything and then feeling like now I need to know all about it and be knowledge and able to speak intelligently about it. As with most things, I forget to pace myself and your message remind me of that, so thank you for that.

I’ve been glued to Maryam’s YouTube and SoundCloud since reading your message a couple of days ago and it’s given me more understanding and more of a thirst to read and study and learn more. So this has been good :)

Thank you again Irene.
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Re: Is this for me?

In reply to this post by Maryam Hasnaa

Thank you for the response. After spending more time here in the forums, I agree that energy of this community is what makes it so special. I feel weird saying this but I could feel this energy and a light from a lot of what I’ve seen and read so far and it’s truly a beautiful thing.

As you and others have said, it’s one day and one step at a time... and I do feel now more than ever, this renewed hope and light.

Again, thank you for welcoming me with grace and I’m looking forward to continuing in this class and learning more from you and this community.
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Re: Is this for me?

In reply to this post by paasche
Hi Paasche!

I'm also new to the forum and would be similar in that I know very little about a lot of the stuff mentioned. This place seems to be such a cool self-aware pro-active, kind and generous group of people, and I feel like if you were drawn here you will get a lot out of it, even if you don't understand certain concepts. <3

I also have struggled with some of the things you've mentioned in the past. I also felt that I needed every choice I made to be validated by others. I am also very afraid of failure. I've been practicing a form of reiki, meditation and exercise technique for a year now and it's like I was a dead shell, and now I am so healed, so full of life, love, peace and joy. If there's hope for me there's literally hope for anyone, and I don't say that lightly.

I sincerely hope (and know) that you will find what you are looking for! <3

Una x
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Re: Is this for me?

Nneka N
In reply to this post by paasche
Hi Paasche,

I was clicking through the threads on here and felt called to send a response to you even though you've already gotten so many awesome words of support and love. What came to mind when I read what you wrote was something Maryam has said about being perfect.  That we are all perfectly made and that every decision we make is perfect. For example, I didn't watch the classes in order and upon reflection, I realized it was the perfect order for me.  I believe that the same is happening for you too with this content.

I also felt the same way you did when I first came across Maryam.  I learned of her on Instagram and then went on the website, then took a leap of faith with the classes, then soundcloud, and then twitter and now just with classes and soundcloud (taking that much needed social media break haha).  At first I felt like I would read some of her words and think, this is too advanced for me but for some reason, I know it is true.  As I started to delve deeper into the school and her content, things started to make more sense.  That knowing aligned with another message which says something like the teacher appears when the student is ready.  I feel like that is the case for all of us here.  I believe that you were and are ready for this school because you are here.

Thanks so much for sharing your journey and sending so much love to you!

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Re: Is this for me?

In reply to this post by paasche
Hi Paesche,
Thank you for being so transparent.  Your vulnerability helps others.  I am holding you in so much love and light, and my heart goes out to you, as I have often felt the same way for much of my life: lost.  Know that everything you need to know is already within you.  Just go through the classes and take in what you can when you can. Sometimes, it is information overload.  Don't beat yourself up if you don't understand, and take a break from watching the videos if you need to.  Then, revisit the content again when you are ready.  One thing that has helped me find answers is non-dominant hand-writing, asking a question with my dominant hand and then responding with my left hand.  Also, talking to Source/God/whatever you call it, and then listening for the answers in meditation.  You dont have to understand all of the concepts now.  There is a lot that is new or difficult for me to understand, but understanding always comes eventually.