Inner Child Work

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Inner Child Work

I'm new here. Is anyone newly embarked on the Inner Child work, or has finished and seen/lived the results? I would love/appreciate guidance, feedback, support as I embark on this journey.
Thank you.

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Re: Inner Child Work

sosena endale
Hi Petal,
welcome! I'm also on the inner child healing/reparenting journey myself and by no means would say i'm complete, though there have been some encouraging results. I've been working with a therapist for a few months who specializes in somatic body work and it's been so so helpful! Simply becoming aware of the patterns of holding tension in parts of the body or holding the breath while revisiting childhood experiences can do wonders for reprogramming and clearing any repeating cycles or stories that may be stuck inside. I'm not sure if the healing ever finishes per se but it's most definitely worth it. Sending luck and love to you as you continue exploring more of yourself :)
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Re: Inner Child Work

Hi Sosena.
Thank you. Such great tips. I'm working with an amazing somatic therapist as well. You're giving me some pointers on what to focus on. I usually just start with what's on at the moment but consciously revisiting memories sounds wise. I am starting to recover a lot of forgotten moments, now that I started this work, as Maryam said would happen in the video. This is the smoothest ride I've had with this work, aside from Parts Therapy, when I can find a good therapist. Good to know you are alongside on the journey as well. Sending much warmth and gratitude.