ISO List of Negative Programs

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ISO List of Negative Programs

Hello beloveds!

I’ve just been rifling through my notes from class looking for my list of the negative programs (lone wolf syndrome, savior/scarcity/victim complex, you complete me, etc.)...and I’m not finding it.

Can you guys help me out? Anybody have a list, or we can get one going here?

I feel like whatever we compile here, I want to put on an index card, laminate it, and stick it in my pocket :P Along with a list of the beliefs that break me out of those program thoughts!!

Sunday love and blessings and kisses to all of you!!
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Re: ISO List of Negative Programs

I am not enough, I'm alone, I'm not respected, I'm not loved, I'm separate, I'm a victim, no one's there for me, I am not safe, survival mode, judgements and protective mechanisms