Heart Coherence/Medicine Books💚💗

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Heart Coherence/Medicine Books💚💗

Jazmin Ramos
Hi beautiful loves 🌸

It’s been a while since I’ve been on the forum. I hope you are all doing well and finding joy! I miss this community. I’ve been delving deep doing the inner work beautiful Maryam has been teaching us.

My life is unfolding magically, lots of tears and inner work but things are aligning beautifully since I’ve been doing the work. I am so grateful of Maryam, NEMS and the community. I hope to be more present this year and join the classes live again!

I want to read more about heart coherence. Do any of you remember which video diary Maryam shares books on this topic?

Or if you have any book recommendations?

Thank you so much 💛❤️
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Re: Heart Coherence/Medicine Books💚💗

Heartmath institute!!!! I'm reading the Heartmath book on Anxiety.

my understanding is simply placing your focus on your heart center and breathing in and out as if it were through your heart center creates coherence. I'm really curious on this topic too bc when I do it, I actually feel cool energy in my heart... Kind of similar to reiki and I was curious if this happens for anyone else?

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Re: Heart Coherence/Medicine Books💚💗

Jazmin Ramos
Thank you Grace for the link and sharing the process, I will definitely check out Heartmath Institute! 💕
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Re: Heart Coherence/Medicine Books💚💗

Finally got around to watching... Maryam mentions it in the December book club! ❤️