Healing triggers

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Healing triggers

Genesis Tejada
Would like some insight on this:

You ever have positive momentum going and then you have an interaction with someone that triggers a feeling of not being supported and loved the way you desire and there’s this like feeling of disappointment, your heart dropping to the floor, like you just got the wind knocked out of you and you feel like you’re dying on the inside?

I know this sounds dramatic but I feel like I’ve been stuck on this specific belief and now the messages to clear it are overwhelming and I don’t know how to start supporting myself. Basically when this specific emotion is triggered within me, its overwhelming and just completely takes the life out of me.

Does anyone have tools that I can use in these moments to get me to snap out of it. I find that trying to calm myself down, talking to myself or meditating aren’t enough and I need to somehow reprogram my belief differently. Thanks for listening!
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Re: Healing triggers

Hi Genesis,

Have you ever tried affirmations? It works for me when I’m trying to reprogram. I feel the emotion/trigger, ask where it’s coming from, release and then come up with a reframed affirmation