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Game Changer

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Game Changer

I recorded my declaration and I've been listening to it everyday as a reminder of who I am. There are a lot of affirmation videos on Youtube and I have found it more powerful to record my own and listen to my own voice affirming my intentions back to me. Just thought I'd share that just in case anyone is feeling stuck.

I will say when you record.. get into a relax state a mind. Don't rush this process and it takes a little bit to get warmed up. Tea is helpful and I'm so grateful that for the December box we receive the Higher Self tea blend. (Haven't tried it yet but I'm super excited)

Hearing myself in a clear voice ~ declaring and affirming who I am has been a game changer. I hope this resonates with someone.

Much love.
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Re: Game Changer

Thank you for sharing Khat! This inspired me to record some affirmations, and I'm excited to practice with them :)
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Re: Game Changer

In reply to this post by Khat
Hi Khat! I absolutely love that!

I have done this before but I am feeling inspired to do this again, this time in a more relaxed state as you suggested, with a clear voice. I am sure that is so supportive!

Thank you for sharing.
