Flower Ceremony and Shamanic Breathwork event

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Flower Ceremony and Shamanic Breathwork event

Happy New Moon Eclipse everyone! ❤
I hope this message finds you bundled up in love!

I just wanted to share an event happening this Saturday July 14, 2018 at 6:30PM in Brooklyn, NY. For anyone looking to gather in community-- to be heard, to be seen, to be held in love, Just TO BE-- during this new moon eclipse season, the details of the event can be found below.

The event is an Ode to sisterhood. The flowers will be our guide in this beautiful Shamanic breathwork ceremony. In this space you are invited to release any self judgement or limiting beliefs surrounding your journey and are invited to welcome in deeper levels of expansion, compassion, grace and acceptance.

It will be an evening filled with:
Sacred songs,
Vocal toning
Active meditation
Intimate discussion

I hope that this event may resonate with you!

Details to register: Ah Zhen Shun: An Ode to Sisterhood

Hope to see you there!

With Love,
Yassmin 🌹

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Re: Flower Ceremony and Shamanic Breathwork event


I wasn’t able to make it to this event, how was it?