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Exciting news! Re: Past Life Regression

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Exciting news! Re: Past Life Regression

Hi lovebuttons,

so happy to be here with you all :)

I wanted to share some exciting news. The community of Past Life Regression or QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) practitioners are having a worldwide group regression event this Sunday, and multiple practitioners will be offering FREE group regression sessions online (and some in person) on that day.  

You can find more information about the event here:
https://www.quantumhealingpractitioners.com/wrd  https://www.wellwholeempowered.com/blog/2018/4/who-wants-a-past-life-regression

If you've been on the fence or felt the price was a little steep, now is a great opportunity to see what it's all about!

many many blessings,
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Re: Exciting news! Re: Past Life Regression

Thank you for sharing this!!
I went to an online one just now with Allison Coe and it was awesome.
My future self reassured me, and in a past life I found that I was a warrior goddess who was being hunted by men, had my eyes gouged out, and experienced a lot of violence that I channeled into sexual healing and worship(fitting timing). On the last day, I was loudly chanting and singing and dancing and leading this ceremony where we were rising to spirit realms, this stream of sound and power coming out of my chest. Full of energy.
Has anybody else been doing this today/have an experience to share??
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Re: Exciting news! Re: Past Life Regression

Oh my, how neat! So happy you got the chance, I hope the session continues to be enlighting and helpful for you. I'm actually planning to watch the facebook live recording of that one soon.

I took a reiki course this past weekend (!! still coming off the reiki high) so I signed up for the online session for 10pm NY time. Interestingly enough, a tree down the street from the organizer's house fell down and took out both the power and network, and when she tried to leave and go to a friends house the tree and electrical lines were also blocking the only street out of her neighborhood.

So basically the universe had other plans and it wasn't quite our time quite yet.  We're rescheduling for another time so ill have more to share then.

So glad to hear you enjoyed your experience, I'm looking forward to watching the recording!