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Hello everyone.

I’ve noticed that my energy declines around a certain colleague at work. When I am not around that person my day goes smoother and my energy stays up. I don’t think this person is “bad” per se; my spirit just doesn’t sit well with her.

How do I deal with that? I don’t necessarily want to “shield” myself because I know I would be blocking out the good. I would like to keep my energy rather than me feeling depleted and have my energy start to match there’s.

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Re: Energy

hello love!

i know when things like this happen for me, i try to do something before i go into work that activates a more neutral response within me. like meditating with an affirmation that i come up with. if it's continuously happening maybe when you get home and have the time/space to think about it, reflect on what it is that doesn't sit well with you. is it their behavior? their attitude? and what aspects of them (which is really a mirror for ourselves) can you send love to? it gets easier when you know you can relate to them because of this shared experience. also the energy clearing technique Maryam speaks about is really cool.

'I release all energy that does not belong to me or serve me
I call back any energy that was lost, stolen, or given away'

~peace and warm wishes~
warmth and peace to you
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Re: Energy


I think I do need that alone time to sit and reflect like you said. Now that I think about it I haven’t really had that “quiet” in quite some time.

I remember the energy clearing technique but haven’t practiced it in a long time, thank you so much!
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Re: Energy

Ah, the perfect opportunity to sit with yourself and just bask in your own glow =) i bet that's all you really need. I hope being in the work environment with them gets easier.

Sending warmth and love to you!
warmth and peace to you
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Re: Energy

Just got some helpful feedback the other day on this.  There are two people like that that drain the energy in my office space. One, in particular, is going through some hardships right now - interestingly enough, he's on a leave of absence and may still be affecting the space.  Anyway, visualizing sending them love and healing and releasing their energy from mine has been helpful for me.  Also, before leaving my home, I think of someone/thing I have the purest form of love for, and visualize that energy creating an expansive ball around me, expanding out of my apartment, windows, building, etc. I try to feel its presence on my commute in, and remind myself of it anytime I need to during the day.  Hope this serves you well, lots of love <3
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Re: Energy

Hello Hanna.

What you’re saying is right on time - I did think that one of the people who I’m getting an “off” vibe from may be having personal hardships and it has nothing to do with me. I like the visualization technique, it shifts my energy and the person I’m sending the good energy too. Thank you for this :)