Elemental Collaboration

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Elemental Collaboration

Peace Community,

I'm Saki, still newish to the community. I'm based in Baltimore, MD (woot woot). I'm the First Daughter of a First Daughter, Black Indigenous Filmmaker, Writer and student of truth.

I want to share some of my recent visions with you all and create a space to discuss the Primordial Elements. I'm interested in hearing some of your insights + experiences in regards to the elemental realms and creating ways for us to to heal our relationships with these energies.

"Primordial Powers": https://www.selestialdrip.com/blog/primordial-powers-the-waters

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Re: Elemental Collaboration

Hey Saki!

Thank you so much for sharing this piece it's beautiful. The elements I ground with mainly are water and lava and fire so this was enjoyable for me. Recently I started talking to water whether it be water I'm drinking or propagating plants with talking to it like a do my garden. Like I'll say "You are loved and loving. you are healing and filled with nutrients and sustenance." For me, I think it improves my relationship with her especially since I don't live near the ocean being with water in this way I feel closer to her.